23 Pulse survey questions to ask in 2024

23 Pulse survey questions to ask in 2024

You're sitting at your desk, sipping coffee, contemplating life's great mysteries, like why donuts disappear faster in the office break room than in your own kitchen.

As you stare into the abyss of your overflowing inbox, you can't help but wonder, "What are my employees really thinking? Are they happy? Are they engaged? Do they secretly plot against the office vending machine?"

Fear not, my friend, for pulse survey questionnaire are here to save the day! These nifty little questionnaires are like a window into the soul of your workforce, giving you the power to tap into the collective wisdom and uncover hidden gems of insight.

Forget about those lengthy, once-in-a-blue-moon employee surveys that make employees roll their eyes harder than a rogue shopping cart careening down a supermarket aisle. Pulse surveys are quick, bite-sized, and oh-so-easy to digest.

But hold your imaginary horses! Before we delve into the details of crafting the perfect pulse survey questionnaire, let's add a sprinkle of relatability to the mix. As the great philosopher and part-time office jester, Bob from Accounting once said, "If you want to know the truth, ask the question that nobody wants to answer." Wise words, Bob. Wise words, indeed.

Now that we've set the stage and summoned our inner survey sorcerers, it's time to get down to business. In this blog, we'll explore the art of creating pulse survey questionnaire that hit the bullseye, evoke genuine responses, and set off fireworks of engagement throughout your organization.

Table of contents:

What does pulse survey stand for?

PULSE stands for "Pertinent, Unobtrusive, Light, Swift, and Easy." It's like a secret code that holds the key to gathering valuable insights from your employees without overwhelming them or disrupting their workflow. Let's break it down:

1) Pertinent

Pulse surveys are laser-focused on the most relevant topics and questions that matter to your organization. Instead of bombarding your employees with a laundry list of inquiries that make their heads spin, you carefully curate concise, targeted questions that directly address specific aspects of their work experience. Think of it as a strategic sniper shot rather than a scattergun approach.

2) Unobtrusive

These surveys are designed to seamlessly integrate into your employees' day-to-day routines without causing any disruption. They are brief and unassuming, ensuring employees can quickly respond without feeling burdened or overwhelmed. The goal is to capture their honest thoughts and feelings without intruding on their valuable time.

3) Light

These surveys are lightweight in nature, focusing on a small number of questions that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Keeping the survey concise and breezy reduces the risk of survey fatigue and increases the likelihood of higher participation rates. Remember, brevity is the spice of survey life!

4) Swift

Time is of the essence, my friend. Pulse surveys are administered frequently, allowing you to gather real-time feedback and stay on top of the pulse of your organization. They are conducted at regular intervals, whether weekly, monthly, or quarterly, to capture your employees' ever-evolving sentiments and experiences. Speed is the name of the game here!

5) Easy

Pulse surveys are designed to be user-friendly and accessible to all. They utilize simple, straightforward language that eliminates ambiguity and ensures clarity. The survey platform should be intuitive and user-friendly, making it effortless for employees to navigate and respond to the questions.

What is the primary goal of the quick pulse survey?

The primary aim of a quick pulse survey is to capture timely and actionable feedback from your employees. It's like a lightning bolt of insight, providing a snapshot of your organization's current state of affairs. By administering these nimble questionnaires on a regular basis, you gain real-time visibility into the hearts and minds of your workforce.

Now, you might wonder, why focus on quickness? Well, the speed at which you collect feedback is crucial. With a quick pulse survey, you can swiftly gather insights and respond promptly to any emerging challenges or opportunities. By taking the pulse of your organization frequently, you ensure that you're in sync with the ever-changing rhythm of your workforce.

But wait, there's more! A quick pulse survey also aims to foster a sense of ownership and involvement among your employees. When they know their voices are being heard regularly, it cultivates a culture of open communication and empowers individuals to contribute to the betterment of the organization actively.

It's like giving each employee a personal microphone to share their thoughts and shape the future. Additionally, these surveys serve as a valuable feedback loop, enabling you to assess the impact of any initiatives, policies, or changes implemented within your organization.

They help you gauge employee sentiment, measure the effectiveness of your strategies, and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

So, the primary goal of the quick pulse survey is to gather timely, actionable feedback, promote employee ownership, and establish a continuous feedback loop.

It's your ticket to unlocking the full potential of your workforce and creating an environment where engagement thrives, productivity soars, and happiness reigns supreme.

Using pulse surveys in internal comms

Imagine a symphony of feedback and information flowing seamlessly through your organization, creating a harmonious and engaged workforce. When integrated into internal communications, pulse surveys become the secret ingredient to enhancing transparency, collaboration, and overall employee satisfaction.

Let's explore how pulse surveys can work their magic in the realm of internal comms:

1) Gathering employee feedback

Pulse surveys provide a fantastic opportunity to gather feedback directly from your employees regarding internal communication efforts. You can ask questions about the effectiveness of different communication channels, the clarity of messages, or even suggestions for improvement.

By listening to your employees' voices, you can identify pain points and tailor your internal communications strategies accordingly.

2) Assessing communication channels

Are your email newsletters landing in the coveted inbox of your employees or being banished to the dreaded spam folder? Pulse surveys can help you assess the effectiveness of different communication channels within your organization.

You can ask employees about their preferred channels, whether they find them informative, and if they feel adequately engaged. This valuable insight allows you to refine your communication approach and deliver messages through the most impactful channels.

3) Evaluating communication content

Are your internal communications hitting the mark or missing the target? These surveys can help you evaluate the content you're sharing with employees. Ask questions about the relevance, clarity, and usefulness of your information. Understanding their perspective allows you to refine your content strategy and ensure it aligns with their needs, career goals, and interests.

4) Monitoring employee engagement

Internal communications play a vital role in fostering employee engagement. Pulse surveys can serve as a thermometer to gauge the temperature of engagement within your organization.

You can identify improvement areas and adjust your internal communications approach by periodically assessing employees' satisfaction, motivation levels, and overall engagement. This proactive approach ensures that you keep the flame of engagement burning bright.

5) Driving two-way communication

Pulse surveys are not just about collecting data; they are also an opportunity to facilitate two-way communication. Include open-ended questions in your surveys, allowing employees to share their thoughts, concerns, and ideas.

This fosters a culture of open dialogue and empowers employees to contribute to the organization's growth actively. By listening and responding to their honest feedback it builds trust and strengthens the employee-employer relationship.

What are the best employee pulse survey questions?

The art of asking the right questions on the right topics will ensure that your pulse surveys are engaging and give you valuable insights into your organization. Here are some of the best topics and pulse survey questionnaire that you should not overlook.

Certainly! Here's a collection of the best employee pulse survey questions across various key areas of engagement. Each subsection is accompanied by a brief introduction to set the context. Let's dive in!

1) Communication

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any organization. It fosters transparency, aligns goals, and nurtures a sense of belonging. To gauge the effectiveness of your communication efforts, consider asking these two pulse survey questions.

1) How well do you feel informed about important company updates and decisions?

2) Do you believe that communication channels within the organization promote open and transparent dialogue?

2) Recognition

It is a powerful motivator that fuels employee engagement and enhances job satisfaction. To assess the recognition practices within your organization, you must ask the following questions.

1) How often do you feel recognized or appreciated for your contributions?

2) Do you believe that recognition is given fairly and consistently across teams and departments?

3) Professional development

Employees value opportunities for growth and development. Assessing their perception of professional development initiatives can help tailor your strategies.

1) Do you feel supported in your own professional development opportunities for growth and development within the organization?

2) Are there adequate opportunities for learning and acquiring new skills in your current role?

4) Empowerment

Empowered employees are engaged employees. When individuals have a sense of ownership and influence over their work, it drives motivation and productivity. You must strive to understand how employees feel about this subject in your organization.

1) Do you feel empowered to make decisions that impact your work?

2) Do you have a sense of autonomy and authority in how you approach your tasks and projects?

5) Autonomy

Autonomy is a key factor in fostering employee empowerment and innovation. When individuals have the freedom to make decisions and exercise their expertise, it leads to greater job satisfaction.

1) To what extent do you have the freedom to make decisions about your work processes and methods?

2) Do you feel trusted and empowered to take ownership of your projects and tasks?

6) Purpose

A sense of purpose and meaning in their work can be a driving force for employees. To gauge their perception of purpose, consider asking these two pulse survey questions.

1) Do you feel that your work contributes to the overall mission and goals of the organization?

2) Does your work align with your personal values and aspirations?

7) Work-life balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for employee well-being and satisfaction. You must try to understand employees' perception of work-life balance and take action if the feedback is negative.

1) Do you feel that you have a good balance between your work responsibilities and personal life?

2) Does your organization support and encourage work-life balance for its employees?

8) Leadership

Effective leadership is vital for fostering engagement and creating a positive work environment. To assess employees' perception of leadership and positive company culture, consider asking the following question.

1) Do you have confidence in the leadership team's ability to guide the organization towards success?

2) Does your immediate supervisor provide clear direction and support?

9) Inclusivity

Creating an inclusive workplace cultivates diversity, inclusion, trust, and a sense of belonging. Organizations must take this aspect of the workplace very seriously and take regular employee feedback on the same.

1) Do you feel respected and valued for your unique background and perspective?

2) On a scale of 1 to 10, what would you rate your organization for promoting a company culture full of inclusivity and diversity?

10) Collaboration

Collaboration enhances teamwork, creativity, and productivity. To assess the level of collaboration within your organization, consider asking these two pulse survey questions.

1) Is collaboration encouraged and valued within your own leadership team and across departments?

2) What mechanisms does the organization has in place to facilitate collaboration and knowledge sharing?

11) Workplace relations

Positive workplace relations contribute to a harmonious and engaging work environment. If a negative atmosphere looms in the workplace, it is bound to affect relationships and work quality.

1) Do you feel a sense of mutual respect and camaraderie among colleagues?

2) Are conflicts and disagreements addressed and resolved in a constructive manner?

12) eNPS

eNPS (employee net promoter score) measures employees' willingness to recommend their workplace to others. It provides valuable insights into overall employee satisfaction and also effects the retention rate. Ask your employees:

1) On a scale of 0-10, how likely they are to recommend our organization as a great workplace?

By incorporating these pulse survey questions into your engagement strategy, you can gain valuable insights into the various aspects that impact employee engagement and satisfaction. Customization is key to aligning the questions with your organization's unique goals and culture.

Best practice tips for writing survey questions

Remember, the quality of your survey questions directly impacts the quality of the data you collect. Following these best practice tips can increase response rates, improve data accuracy, and gather valuable insights that drive informed decision-making within your organization.

1) Be clear and specific

Ensure that your questions are clear and unambiguous. Use simple language and avoid jargon or technical terms that may confuse respondents. Clearly define any terms or concepts that could be interpreted differently.

2) Use a balanced scale

When using rating scales, strive for balance to capture nuanced responses. For example, a 5-point scale with a neutral midpoint provides more flexibility for respondents to express their opinions accurately.

3) Avoid leading questions

Maintain objectivity by avoiding questions that guide or influence respondents' answers. Keep the questions neutral and unbiased, allowing respondents to express their true opinions and experiences.

4) Keep it concise

Long-winded questions can be overwhelming and lead to respondent fatigue. Keep your questions concise and to the point, focusing on the most essential information. Consider using multiple short questions instead of combining multiple ideas into one.

5) Provide response options

Offer response options that cover the range of possible answers. Include a "prefer not to say" or "not applicable" option when appropriate. Utilize both closed-ended (multiple choice) and open-ended questions to capture a variety of responses.

6) Test for clarity and effectiveness

Before administering the survey, test your questions with a small group to ensure they are understood correctly. Evaluate the clarity, relevance, and effectiveness of each question to make necessary revisions.

7) Consider the order

Structure your survey questions in a logical and coherent sequence. Start with easy and non-sensitive questions to build respondent confidence before moving to more complex or personal ones. Group related questions together to maintain flow.


Crafting effective survey questions is crucial for gathering accurate and meaningful data. By following best practices such as clarity, neutrality, conciseness, and thoughtful response options, you can enhance the quality of your survey and elicit valuable insights from respondents.

Keep in mind the importance of testing your questions and structuring them in a logical order. With effective survey questions, you can uncover valuable information, make informed decisions, and drive positive change within your organization.

So, go forth and create surveys that truly engage and empower your respondents, leading to a deeper understanding of their needs and experiences. If you want to conduct pulse surveys at your workplace, CultureMonkey can help you listen to your employees better and create more growth opportunities with its employee engagement survey platform.

It offers multiple options besides employee pulse surveys alone, such as eNPS and employee life cycle surveys, to accurately measure your employees' engagement levels and address any problems they are facing.

Companies can also take anonymous feedback in real-time and ensure their employees are not facing any major roadblocks. It can also help find areas of focus the management needs to work on to improve the employee experience and engagement.