

Abhinaya is a Content Marketing Associate with a passion for creative writing and literature. She immerses herself in books and enjoys binge-watching her favorite sitcoms.

Abhinaya 16 min read
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101+ Employee engagement event ideas and examples that keep your employees engaged

Employee engagement events are organized activities designed to enhance the connection employees feel towards their workplace. These events play a crucial role in building a positive organizational culture by fostering camaraderie, boosting morale, and promoting a sense of belonging.

Abhinaya 11 min read
Members Public

What are employee exit surveys: Checklist to follow and top tips to improve company culture

An employee exit survey is a tool used by organizations to gather feedback from departing employees about their experiences and reasons for leaving. Typically conducted during the final stages of an employee’s tenure, this survey aims to uncover insights that can help improve workplace practices.

Abhinaya 16 min read
Members Public

What is equality in the workplace: Tips, benefits and ways to promote equality in 2024

Workplace equality ensures all employees have equal access to opportunities and resources. Discover the benefits, such as improved problem-solving and employee satisfaction, and explore practical tips to promote inclusivity and diversity in your organization. Foster a fair and inclusive environment.

Abhinaya 12 min read
Members Public

How poor leadership impacts company culture: A guide to improve manager effectiveness

Identifying a bad leader involves observing their behaviors. A manager who fails to communicate causes confusion and frustration, decreasing productivity and increasing turnover. Recognizing poor communication and resistance to change can help address issues and promote a positive work environment.

Abhinaya 11 min read
Members Public

Top 55+ employee survey questions to get honest feedback from your employees

An employee feedback survey is a structured tool used by organizations to gather opinions, perceptions, and suggestions from their employees. These aim to capture insights into various aspects of the workplace, including job satisfaction, work environment, and overall organizational culture.

Abhinaya 14 min read
Members Public

75+ Work party ideas that will make your employees fall in love with your company

Explore over 75 unique work party ideas to create memorable and engaging events for your employees. From themed potlucks and movie marathons to talent shows and office Olympics, these ideas are designed to boost team spirit and morale, ensuring every event is enjoyable and impactful.

Abhinaya 11 min read
Members Public

What is employee burnout: Top statistics, and solution to prevent them as a leader in 2024

Employee burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged and excessive stress in the workplace. It occurs when employees feel overwhelmed, emotionally drained, and unable to meet constant demands. As stress continues, they begin to lose interest and motivation.

Abhinaya 15 min read
Members Public

What are employee relations at work: A complete guide for leaders in 2024

Employee relations refer to the efforts a company makes to manage relationships between employers and employees. It encompasses various strategies and practices aimed at employee relations refers to fostering a positive work environment, and ensuring that the needs and concerns are met.

Abhinaya 8 min read
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Employee concern in the workplace: Top reasons and how to combat them in 2024

An employee concern refers to any issue or problem that an employee experiences or perceives within their workplace environment. These are the most common employee concerns and can range from personal grievances to broader systemic issues affecting multiple employees.

Abhinaya 9 min read
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Emotional intelligence training for employees: How to implement it effectively in 2024

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and utilize emotions effectively in ourselves and others. It encompasses emotional awareness, the capacity to harness emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem-solving, and the ability to manage emotions.

Abhinaya 9 min read
Members Public

What are employee assistance programs: Benefits and top examples to try in 2024

Employee Assistance Programs are workplace-based intervention programs designed to help employees address personal and work issues that may affect their job performance, health, and overall well-being. EAPs are intended to provide employees with timely and accessible support.

Abhinaya 12 min read
Members Public

Turning underperforming employees into rock stars with the right development strategies

Addressing underperformance is crucial for maintaining a productive workplace environment. Effective management involves pinpointing root causes, and offering necessary support. By implementing structured betterment plans, managers can help underperforming employees contribute effectively.

Abhinaya 15 min read
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Netflix's company culture: The unconventional approach that shattered corporate norms

Netflix is renowned for its unique and often-discussed company culture, which is characterized by a few key principles that set it apart. One defining feature is its emphasis on freedom and responsibility. Employees are granted significant autonomy in their work, with minimal micromanagement.

Abhinaya 10 min read
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Employee success: Strategies to empower employees for organizational success

Employee success is key to a thriving organization, encompassing individual achievements and collective growth. This article delves into the meaning of employee success, its importance, and effective strategies to foster a culture where employees thrive and drive organizational success.

Abhinaya 11 min read
Members Public

Top 17 HR trends that will matter for the rest of 2024 and beyond

HR trends matter significantly in 2024 as they shape how organizations manage their most valuable asset: the human capital of their people. The modern workforce is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, changing employee expectations, and global economic shifts.

Abhinaya 12 min read
Members Public

How to structure a mentor meeting the right way for employee development in 2024

A mentor meeting is a dedicated session where a mentor and mentee come together to discuss the mentee's personal and professional growth. This meeting serves as a platform for the mentee to seek guidance, share their goals, and receive constructive feedback.

Abhinaya 10 min read
Members Public

What are the different types of employee attrition: Strategies to reduce attrition at work in 2024

Employee attrition can significantly impact organizational productivity and morale. Understanding the 9 types of employee attrition and the common reasons behind them is crucial for effective management.

Abhinaya 10 min read
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How employee dissatisfaction impacts organizational growth: A guide for leaders in 2024

In 2024, grasping the impact of employee dissatisfaction is vital for leaders. Learn how proactive responses to employee concerns can boost engagement and productivity, driving sustainable growth and success.

Abhinaya 9 min read
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What is regrettable attrition: Causes and top strategies to combat them in 2024

Regrettable attrition refers to the loss of high-performing or highly valued employees who leave an organization voluntarily, often causing a significant impact on productivity, morale, and overall business performance.

Abhinaya 14 min read
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What is transitional leadership: Examples and top strategies to try in 2024

Transitional leadership is crucial for guiding organizations through periods of significant change. In this article, we define transitional leadership, provide inspiring real-world examples, and outline top strategies to adopt in 2024 to drive innovation, adaptability, and sustainable growth.

Abhinaya 10 min read
Members Public

Embracing disability diversity: Building inclusive workplaces for all

In today's diverse work environment, inclusion goes beyond race and gender—it's about embracing a wide range of abilities. Imagine a workplace where everyone's unique skills are valued and supported.

Abhinaya 9 min read
Members Public

Lazy workers in a workplace: Top signs and strategies to engage them at work

Lazy workers are individuals who exhibit a lack of motivation, diligence, or responsibility in their job roles. They often engage in behaviours that minimize their workload, such as procrastinating, delegating their tasks to others, or avoiding tasks altogether.

Abhinaya 18 min read
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How to create career advancement opportunities for your employee growth in 2024?

Discover effective strategies to create career advancement opportunities for your employees. Explore innovative ways to foster professional growth, from implementing mentorship programs and providing learning opportunities to encouraging cross-departmental projects and recognizing achievements.

Abhinaya 13 min read
Members Public

Skip level meetings: How it positively impact employee-employer relationships

Skip level meetings can transform employee-employer relationships by fostering direct communication, eliminating hierarchical barriers, and building trust. This approach encourages transparency, improves morale, and drives organizational growth by ensuring that employee voices are heard and valued.