10 Must-know statistics about a manager’s role in employee engagement
We’ve been harping about the role of managers in employee engagement, and not without reason. Almost all of an employee’s needs, from appreciation, recognition to career development coaching, feedback, support, autonomy and flexibility can be provided primarily by a manager.
So naturally, if there is any relation within the organization that can foster engagement and enhance employee performance, then it has to be that of a manager with his/her team members.
Unfortunately though, employee engagement continues to largely be an HR KPI and for HR to drive engagement without the support of managers can be next to impossible. The whole idea that managers are responsible for driving business and HRs for driving people management needs to be relooked at.
At this point, for people leaders, it is crucial to show the business impact of engagement and bring the management onboard to drive more personalized engagement.
For starters, here are 10 data points that confirm the criticality of a manager’s role in employee engagement and can enable you to encourage leadership to look at the strategic role of managers in driving employee engagement.