Building company culture: Top tips and examples to follow as a manager in 2024

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Building company culture: Top tips and examples to follow as a manager in 2024
Building company culture: Top tips and examples to follow as a manager in 2024

Building a strong company culture is akin to laying a solid foundation for a thriving business. Just as a successful garden needs fertile soil and careful tending to grow, a company’s culture needs deliberate cultivation to foster an environment where employees excel.

For instance, Google’s renowned culture emphasizes creativity and innovation, allowing employees to thrive in a supportive and dynamic environment. This approach exemplifies how nurturing a positive culture can drive organizational success.

Peter Drucker’s insight, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” underscores the pivotal role culture plays in achieving business goals. It highlights that even the best strategies can falter without a supportive culture.

In this blog post, we will explore the essential components of building and maintaining a strong company culture, offering practical advice and real-world examples to help you create a workplace where employees are engaged, motivated, and ready to contribute to your organization’s success.

What is company culture?

Company culture encompasses the shared values, beliefs, and practices that shape how work is done within an organization. A great company culture is essential for fostering a healthy corporate culture, which in turn enhances employee engagement and boosts employee retention.

In contrast, a toxic company culture can undermine morale and productivity, leading to high turnover rates and disengaged employees.

Developing a strong organizational culture involves creating a positive workplace culture where employees feel valued and motivated. This involves aligning the organizational culture with the company’s mission and ensuring that everyday practices support a positive work environment.

Effective management of workplace culture is crucial for maintaining a healthy company culture that not only retains talent but also drives long-term success. By prioritizing these elements, companies can cultivate an environment that encourages collaboration, innovation, and sustained employee satisfaction.

Why is company culture important?

A great company culture is essential for business success, directly impacting employee engagement and productivity. By aligning with corporate values and the mission statement, a healthy culture creates a positive work environment that enhances employee wellness and drives employee engagement.

When leadership teams actively work to improve employee engagement, they foster a culture where employees feel valued and motivated. This alignment with company goals not only supports a diverse workforce but also reinforces company values, which is crucial for achieving business objectives.

A toxic culture can lead to disengagement, absenteeism, and conflicts, undermining productivity and employee satisfaction. Building a strong organizational culture ensures that employees work effectively towards shared goals, contributing to long-term success and a competitive edge.

What is building organizational culture?

Building organizational culture is the process of creating a shared set of values, beliefs, and practices that define how employees interact and work together to achieve common goals. This culture forms the backbone of the organization, shaping everything from decision-making to employee behavior.

Building a strong organizational culture involves deliberate actions by leadership to define and communicate core values that resonate with the company’s mission. It requires consistent reinforcement through policies, rewards, and everyday practices that align with these values.

Fostering open communication and inclusivity ensures that all employees feel valued and connected to the organization’s goals. Leaders must also exemplify the desired culture, serving as role models who embody the values they wish to see in others.

A well-established organizational culture not only enhances employee engagement but also drives long-term success by creating a unified and motivated workforce.

What are the 4 types of company culture?

White stones tied by yellow threads
What are the 4 types of company culture?

Building a great company culture requires a deliberate approach to align with the organization's mission and values. According to Harvard Business Review, key elements in creating a strong culture include defining a clear value statement, integrating these values into the hiring process, and ensuring leadership actively drives employee engagement.

The leadership team’s role is crucial in fostering a culture that reflects the organization's mission and values. There are four types of corporate culture, each impacting the work environment differently:

  1. Clan culture: Focuses on collaboration, teamwork, and employee involvement. It creates a family-like atmosphere where leaders act as mentors, promoting a supportive and cohesive work environment.
  2. Adhocracy culture: Emphasizes innovation and risk-taking, supporting a dynamic environment where creativity and experimentation are highly valued. This type of culture encourages employees to think outside the box and pursue new ideas.
  3. Market culture: Driven by competition and results, this culture prioritizes performance, goal-setting, and productivity. It motivates employees to achieve high standards and excel in their roles.
  4. Hierarchy culture: Based on structure and procedures, this culture values stability and control, ensuring a clear chain of command and consistent operations. It’s effective for organizations needing precision and reliability.

How to determine which company culture works for your organization?

A well-aligned culture not only enhances employee satisfaction and productivity but also helps attract and retain top talent. To identify which type of culture best suits your organization, it's essential to evaluate several key factors. By carefully considering these elements, you can create a cohesive and effective culture that aligns with your organizational goals.

  • Mission and vision: Evaluate your company’s mission statement and core purpose. What are the long-term goals and values that drive your organization? This helps in identifying which cultural traits best support your company's values.
  • Industry and market: Examine cultural traits common in your industry. Understanding what works well within your market can guide you in adopting a culture that aligns with industry standards and expectations.
  • Employee preferences: Gather insights on what most employees value in their work environment. Conduct surveys and interviews to understand their preferences and how they fit with different cultural styles.
  • Leadership style: Assess how your leadership team influences and supports the work culture. Effective leaders who embody the organization's values can drive employee engagement and foster a strong culture.
  • Cultural fit: Ensure new hires align with your organizational values and culture. Implement practices like an open door policy and team-building activities, such as happy hours, to integrate new employees and create a positive impact.

What does a positive culture look like?

Creating a positive company culture is key to building a thriving workplace where employees are motivated, engaged, and committed to their roles. In such a culture, the focus is on fostering an environment that encourages growth, supports well-being, and drives collective success. Here’s what a positive culture typically looks like:

  • Open communication: Transparent and honest exchanges between employees and the leadership team are crucial. Managers should create opportunities for regular feedback and open dialogue, ensuring that team members feel heard and valued.
  • Mutual respect: Valuing each other's contributions and diverse perspectives strengthens relationships across different teams. This respect helps in building culture where every team member feels included and appreciated.
  • Recognition and reward: Acknowledging and celebrating achievements and milestones motivates employees. For example, implementing regular recognition programs or celebrating successes at team happy hours can boost morale and drive engagement.
  • Supportive environment: Providing resources and support for personal and professional growth is vital. Investing in training and development helps employees, including new hires, to grow and contribute effectively to the organization.
  • Work-life balance: Encouraging flexibility and respecting employees' time outside of work is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. This approach helps retain top talent and prevents burnout.

When to start building a company culture?

Building a company culture should begin from the very inception of the organization. Establishing a strong foundation early on is crucial for guiding the company’s growth and ensuring that its core values are embedded in every aspect of operations.

The initial stages of a business provide a unique opportunity to define and shape the culture without the burden of legacy practices or deeply ingrained habits. As the first employees join, it’s essential to articulate and model the desired culture through hiring practices, onboarding processes, and day-to-day interactions.

Early decisions around leadership styles, communication methods, and workplace policies will set the tone for how the organization operates as it scales. By prioritizing culture from the start, companies can attract talent that aligns with their values, fostering a more cohesive and motivated team.

Ultimately, building culture should be a continuous process, evolving with the organization as it grows and adapts to new challenges.

How to approach building a company culture remotely?

People on a video call
How to approach building a company culture remotely?

Building a strong company culture in a remote work evironment requires intentional effort and thoughtful strategies. Without the traditional in-person interactions, it's essential to find creative ways to foster connection, communication, and a shared sense of purpose among team members.

By leveraging digital tools and emphasizing inclusivity, companies can create a cohesive and vibrant remote culture that aligns with their values and goals.

  • Virtual team building: Organize online events and activities, such as virtual happy hours, to foster connections and collaboration among employees. These activities help team members bond, even when working from different locations.
  • Clear communication: Use digital tools to maintain open lines of communication, ensuring everyone is informed and engaged. Regular updates and transparent communication are crucial for a cohesive remote team.
  • Cultural onboarding: Integrate new hires into the company culture through virtual orientations and mentoring programs. This helps new team members understand and adapt to the company’s values and practices.
  • Regular check-ins: Schedule frequent meetings to gauge employee sentiment and address any issues promptly. Managers should actively seek feedback and provide support to ensure a positive and inclusive remote work environment.

Steps to develop company culture for your organization

Developing a strong company culture is essential for creating a cohesive and motivated workforce. By implementing clear strategies and involving employees at every stage, organizations can build a culture that aligns with their values and drives success. Here are key steps to consider:

  1. Define core values: Clearly articulate the values that will guide behavior and decision-making across the company.
  2. Align leadership: Ensure that managers and team leaders exemplify and reinforce the desired culture, setting a positive example for employees.
  3. Communicate clearly: Consistently share the company's vision, values, and expectations to keep everyone informed and aligned.
  4. Encourage participation: Involve employees in culture-building activities and decision-making processes. Activities like virtual happy hours can foster engagement and team cohesion.
  5. Implement training: Provide training and resources to support cultural values and desired behaviors, helping new hires adapt effectively.
  6. Measure progress: Use surveys and feedback to assess the effectiveness of cultural initiatives and identify areas for improvement.
  7. Adjust and adapt: Be willing to make changes based on feedback and evolving needs to ensure the culture remains supportive and relevant.

What are the signs of a good company culture?

Recognizing the signs of a good company culture is crucial for understanding how well an organization supports its employees and fosters a productive work environment. These indicators reflect the overall health and effectiveness of the culture within the company. Here are some key signs to look for:

  • High employee engagement: Employees show enthusiasm and commitment to their work, actively participating in company activities and contributing to overall success.
  • Low turnover rates: Companies with a positive culture typically experience lower turnover rates. Retaining talented employees suggests they are satisfied with the work environment and see long-term potential within the organization.
  • Positive workplace atmosphere: Employees feel comfortable and supported in their roles. A supportive atmosphere can be fostered through regular team-building events, such as virtual happy hours, where team members build rapport and strengthen relationships.
  • Strong collaboration: Effective collaboration is evident when team members work well together and support each other’s success. This collaborative spirit contributes to a cohesive team and a shared sense of purpose.
  • Effective communication: Open and transparent dialogue is encouraged and practiced. Clear communication channels ensure that employees feel informed and involved in decision-making processes, enhancing their connection to the company's goals.

15+ Activities to follow to build company culture for your organization

Building a strong company culture involves implementing various strategies that enhance employee engagement and satisfaction. Here’s how companies can foster a positive work environment:

  1. Regular team meetings: Foster communication and collaboration by holding frequent team meetings. These meetings keep everyone aligned on goals and encourage open dialogue.
  2. Employee recognition programs: Acknowledge and reward achievements through formal recognition programs. Celebrating successes boosts morale and motivates employees.
  3. Company-wide events: Host social gatherings, such as happy hours, to build camaraderie and strengthen relationships among team members.
  4. Professional development workshops: Support ongoing learning and growth with workshops that enhance skills and career development.
  5. Mentorship programs: Pair new hires with experienced employees for guidance. Mentors help integrate new team members into the company culture and provide valuable insights.
  6. Feedback sessions: Collect and act on employee feedback to continuously improve the work environment and address any issues promptly.
  7. Community service projects: Encourage team involvement in charitable activities. Participating in community service strengthens team bonds and enhances the company’s social responsibility.
  8. Health and wellness programs: Promote a healthy work-life balance by offering wellness programs that support employees' physical and mental well-being.
  9. Cultural celebrations: Recognize diverse cultural holidays and traditions to celebrate the multicultural aspects of your team and create an inclusive environment.
  10. Innovation challenges: Encourage creative problem-solving and idea generation through innovation challenges, fostering a culture of creativity and continuous improvement.
  11. Employee resource groups: Create networks for different employee interests and needs, supporting a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  12. Flexible work arrangements: Offer options like remote work and flexible hours to accommodate different needs and improve work-life balance.
  13. Open door policies: Ensure management is approachable and accessible, fostering a transparent and supportive work environment.
  14. Onboarding programs: Integrate new hires into the company culture effectively through structured onboarding programs that communicate the company's values and expectations.
  15. Team-building activities: Engage in activities that strengthen relationships and trust among team members, enhancing collaboration and team cohesion.
  16. Work anniversary celebrations: Celebrate employee milestones with special recognition on their work anniversaries. This acknowledgment shows appreciation for their contributions and fosters loyalty.
  17. Cross-departmental projects: Encourage collaboration between different departments through joint projects. This approach breaks down silos, promotes knowledge sharing, and strengthens the overall company culture.
  18. Leadership training: Invest in leadership development programs to empower managers and team leaders with the skills needed to cultivate and sustain a positive company culture.

Things to avoid while building company culture remotely

A man playing jenga
Things to avoid while building company culture remotely

When building a company culture remotely, it's important to be mindful of certain challenges that can hinder your efforts. Avoiding common pitfalls ensures that your remote culture remains strong, inclusive, and effective. Here are key things to avoid:

  • Neglecting communication: Failing to maintain regular and clear communication can create feelings of isolation among remote employees. Regular team meetings and virtual happy hours are essential to keep everyone connected and engaged.
  • Ignoring feedback: Not addressing employee concerns or suggestions can erode trust. Implement feedback sessions to actively listen to your team and make necessary adjustments.
  • Overlooking inclusion: Ensuring all remote employees feel included and valued is crucial. Avoid practices that may inadvertently exclude team members, and make a concerted effort to integrate new hires into the company culture.
  • Inconsistent leadership: Leaders must consistently model cultural values to reinforce them. Inconsistent behavior from management can undermine the efforts to build a strong remote culture and affect team morale.
  • Lack of structure: Without clear expectations and processes, remote work can become chaotic. Establish well-defined guidelines and procedures to provide structure and support for remote employees, ensuring that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities.

45+ Examples of company culture to include in your organization

Building a positive company culture remotely requires implementing effective strategies and drawing inspiration from successful companies. Here are 45+ examples of practices to consider:

  1. Google: Emphasizes innovation with open office spaces and flexible work arrangements. Google also invests heavily in employee development through training programs and offers numerous perks like on-site meals to enhance employee satisfaction.
  2. Zappos: Known for its supportive work environment and customer-first approach. The company places a strong emphasis on core values, encouraging employees to be themselves, which fosters a unique and inclusive culture.
  3. Salesforce: Focuses on employee well-being and community involvement. Salesforce also champions equality and sustainability, integrating these principles into its corporate culture and social initiatives.
  4. Netflix: Encourages a results-oriented culture with freedom and responsibility. Employees are given the autonomy to make decisions, fostering innovation and allowing for a more agile work environment.
  5. HubSpot: Values transparency, inclusivity, and continuous learning. HubSpot's culture code is widely shared and practiced, promoting an open and accountable workplace where feedback is encouraged.
  6. LinkedIn: Promotes professional development and a collaborative environment. LinkedIn also emphasizes a growth mindset, offering a wide range of learning resources and opportunities for career advancement.
  7. Microsoft: Fosters a growth mindset and inclusivity within its workforce. Microsoft encourages experimentation and learning from failures, driving a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.
  8. Patagonia: Integrates environmental responsibility with employee engagement. Patagonia's commitment to sustainability is reflected in its business practices and employee benefits, such as paid time off for environmental activism.
  9. Apple: Known for innovation and excellence. Apple’s culture emphasizes attention to detail and design, pushing employees to strive for perfection and creativity in their work.
  10. Adobe: Values creativity and personal growth opportunities. Adobe supports its employees through various creative programs and offers resources for continuous learning and development.
  11. Amazon: Emphasizes customer obsession and operational excellence. Amazon encourages a high-performance culture, where employees are driven to innovate and deliver exceptional customer service.
  12. Twitter: Supports openness and creativity in a supportive environment. Twitter also fosters a culture of inclusivity, with initiatives focused on diversity and equal opportunity.
  13. Airbnb: Focuses on community and belonging. Airbnb's culture is built on the principle of creating a sense of home for both employees and users, emphasizing trust and hospitality.
  14. Dropbox: Promotes flexibility and results-oriented work. Dropbox provides a range of wellness programs and encourages employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  15. Slack: Known for open communication and a team-oriented approach. Slack prioritizes transparency and encourages cross-functional collaboration to enhance productivity and innovation.
  16. Facebook: Provides vibrant workspaces with amenities like gyms and game rooms. Facebook also emphasizes employee well-being and work-life integration, offering flexible work arrangements.
  17. Spotify: Emphasizes flexibility and autonomy. Spotify fosters a collaborative culture with an emphasis on creativity and encourages employees to bring their unique perspectives to the table.
  18. Shopify: Supports remote work and a flexible schedule. Shopify’s culture is driven by entrepreneurship, with employees encouraged to take ownership and lead initiatives.
  19. Asana: Values transparency and regular feedback. Asana uses its own project management software to foster a culture of accountability and efficiency within the team.
  20. Ben & Jerry’s: Integrates social responsibility with employee engagement. Ben & Jerry’s encourages activism among its employees and supports various social justice initiatives.
  21. Zendesk: Focuses on a positive work environment and customer satisfaction. Zendesk also promotes a culture of empathy, where understanding customer needs is central to business success.
  22. Yelp: Offers frequent team events and growth opportunities. Yelp’s culture is centered on community and transparency, with a focus on fostering strong internal relationships.
  23. Intuit: Encourages innovation and inclusion. Intuit fosters a design-driven culture, where employees are empowered to innovate and improve customer experiences.
  24. Dropbox: Supports remote work and a flexible culture. Dropbox’s Virtual First policy allows employees to work remotely, with in-person gatherings for collaboration when necessary.
  25. TripAdvisor: Emphasizes employee satisfaction with comprehensive benefits. TripAdvisor also promotes a travel-friendly culture, encouraging employees to explore and experience the world.
  26. Snapchat: Promotes creativity with flexible work arrangements. Snapchat encourages risk-taking and experimentation, fostering a dynamic and innovative workplace.
  27. GitHub: Offers a collaborative remote work environment. GitHub’s fully remote culture is built on transparency and trust, with tools and practices that support asynchronous communication.
  28. Reddit: Encourages community involvement and inclusivity. Reddit’s culture is driven by its mission to create a welcoming platform for diverse voices and perspectives.
  29. Atlassian: Supports collaboration with team-building activities. Atlassian’s open company culture emphasizes the importance of teamwork, knowledge sharing, and transparency.
  30. Mailchimp: Values creativity and professional growth. Mailchimp also fosters a quirky, fun culture, where employees are encouraged to think outside the box and take creative risks.
  31. Box: Provides flexibility and remote work options. Box emphasizes work-life balance and offers various programs to support employee well-being and personal growth.
  32. Eventbrite: Focuses on a supportive and inclusive culture. Eventbrite’s commitment to diversity is reflected in its hiring practices and company-wide initiatives aimed at fostering inclusion.
  33. Roku: Encourages growth with mentorship programs. Roku’s culture values continuous learning, with a focus on developing talent through structured mentoring and professional development opportunities.
  34. H&M: Emphasizes sustainability and inclusivity. H&M promotes an eco-conscious culture, with initiatives aimed at reducing the company’s environmental footprint and supporting sustainable practices.
  35. Nvidia: Supports innovation and wellness. Nvidia invests in its employees’ health and well-being with comprehensive wellness programs and encourages a collaborative, innovative culture.
  36. GitLab: Promotes a fully remote, transparent work culture. GitLab’s culture handbook is openly accessible, reflecting its commitment to transparency and shared responsibility among employees.
  37. Salesforce: Offers wellness retreats and volunteer opportunities. Salesforce’s culture is built on the concept of “Ohana,” meaning family, with a focus on caring for employees, customers, and communities.
  38. Hootsuite: Emphasizes team-building and wellness initiatives. Hootsuite’s culture values collaboration and innovation, with an emphasis on maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  39. Elastic: Supports flexible work with a focus on results. Elastic encourages a distributed workforce, with an emphasis on autonomy and accountability for delivering results.
  40. Cloudera: Provides extensive learning and development resources. Cloudera’s culture fosters continuous learning and professional growth, with ample opportunities for skill enhancement and career advancement.
  41. Wix: Encourages a fun work environment with regular events. Wix’s culture is centered on creativity and innovation, with a focus on fostering a vibrant and dynamic workplace.
  42. Trello: Values teamwork and open communication. Trello promotes a collaborative culture, where team members are empowered to share ideas and work together to achieve common goals.
  43. Sphero: Offers creative freedom and growth opportunities. Sphero’s culture is centered on innovation and playfulness, encouraging employees to explore new ideas and experiment with cutting-edge technologies.
  44. InVision: Emphasizes collaboration in a remote setting. InVision’s culture supports remote work with a focus on strong communication, trust, and teamwork across distributed teams.
  45. Canva: Promotes a creative and supportive work environment. Canva encourages a culture of design and creativity, with a strong emphasis on teamwork and inclusivity.
  46. Peloton: Encourages a culture of wellness and fitness with employee access to workout programs. Peloton’s culture is also centered on community and engagement, fostering a sense of belonging among employees.
  47. Square: Values innovation and provides opportunities for professional development and continuous learning. Square’s culture encourages entrepreneurship and problem-solving, empowering employees to take initiative and drive change.
  48. Buffer: Promotes transparency and work-life balance with flexible remote work policies. Buffer’s culture is built on the principles of honesty, openness, and empathy, ensuring that all employees feel valued and connected.

7 Tips to follow when building a positive company culture

Building a positive company culture is essential for creating a thriving workplace where employees feel motivated, valued, and engaged. A strong culture not only enhances productivity but also attracts and retains top talent. Here are seven key tips to guide you in cultivating a positive company culture:

  1. Lead by example: Demonstrate the values and behaviors you want to see in your employees. Leaders should embody the company’s core values in their everyday actions, setting a standard for others to follow and reinforcing the desired culture through consistent behavior.
  2. Promote open communication: Encourage dialogue and transparency at all levels. Establish clear communication channels, such as regular team meetings and open-door policies, to ensure everyone feels heard and informed. This fosters trust and collaboration within the organization.
  3. Recognize and reward: Regularly acknowledge and celebrate employee achievements. Implement formal recognition programs and informal gestures of appreciation, such as shout-outs in meetings, to boost morale and motivate employees to maintain high performance.
  4. Foster inclusivity: Create an environment where all employees feel valued and included. Encourage diversity by celebrating different cultures, offering support networks, and ensuring that everyone has a voice in decision-making processes, which strengthens team cohesion.
  5. Invest in development: Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. Offer training programs, workshops, and mentorship to help employees advance in their careers, showing that the organization is committed to their long-term success and development.
  6. Encourage work-life balance: Support flexible arrangements and respect personal time. Promote a healthy balance between work and personal life by offering flexible working hours, remote work options, and wellness programs, which help prevent burnout and increase job satisfaction.
  7. Gather feedback: Continuously seek and act on employee feedback to improve the culture. Use surveys, one-on-one meetings, and suggestion boxes to gather input, and make visible efforts to implement changes based on this feedback, demonstrating that the company values employee insights.

Significance of employee surveys in building a company culture

Employee surveys are crucial for building a strong company culture. They offer valuable insights into employee satisfaction, engagement, and areas needing improvement. For instance, surveys can reveal how well new hires are integrating and how effective company events like happy hours are in fostering team connections.

By regularly gathering feedback, companies can identify strengths and weaknesses in their culture, ensuring that initiatives align with employee needs and expectations.

Acting on survey results allows companies to adapt and enhance their work environment, making it more responsive and supportive. This continuous feedback loop helps maintain a positive culture where employees feel heard and valued.

Surveys help in aligning the company’s culture with the actual experiences of employees, ensuring that the cultural values promoted by leadership are genuinely reflected in everyday operations.

When employees see that their feedback leads to meaningful changes, it reinforces their trust in the organization, boosts morale, and encourages greater commitment to the company’s mission and values.


Building and nurturing a strong company culture is an ongoing commitment that requires clear communication and active involvement from all organizational levels. By defining core values and fostering a positive work environment, companies can support employee growth, engagement, and overall success.

Tools like CultureMonkey's manager effectiveness software can significantly aid this process. This tool offers insights into manager performance, helps identify areas for improvement, and supports the alignment of leadership behaviors with company values.

By utilizing CultureMonkey, a company can gather real-time feedback from employees, assess the effectiveness of cultural initiatives, and adapt strategies to better meet their needs.

Prioritizing culture, whether remotely or in a traditional office setting, results in a more motivated and cohesive team, ultimately driving better business outcomes and ensuring a positive, supportive work environment.



Abhinaya is a Content Marketing Associate with a passion for creative writing and literature. She immerses herself in books and enjoys binge-watching her favorite sitcoms.