Company culture assessment: Definition, benefits and questions to ask your employees

Athira V S
9 min read
Company culture assessment: Definition, benefits and questions to ask your employees
Company culture assessment: Definition, benefits and questions to ask your employees

In the fast-paced world of modern business, company culture has evolved into a cornerstone of organizational achievement. A strong, positive culture not only attracts top talent but also retains it, ensuring that employees remain engaged and motivated.

It drives innovation, enhances collaboration, and aligns everyone with the company’s overarching mission. However, maintaining such a culture requires more than just good intentions—it demands regular evaluation and refinement. This is where company culture assessment becomes essential.

By thoroughly assessing the cultural landscape, businesses can identify both strengths and areas needing improvement, allowing them to cultivate a workplace that truly reflects their values and goals.

What is a company culture assessment?

A company culture assessment is an essential organizational cultural assessment instrument used to evaluate the current state and effectiveness of an organization's culture.

By analyzing key elements like values, behaviors, work environment, and employee satisfaction, this cultural assignment provides critical insights into how well the organizational culture aligns with strategic goals and fosters a healthy company culture.

Tools like organizational culture surveys, including the Denilson Organizational Survey, help assess organizational culture by capturing employee perceptions and experiences.

This process is vital in understanding the workplace culture, identifying strengths and areas for improvement, and ensuring that the organization's culture continues to support employee engagement and overall success.

Why is fostering a positive company culture important?

Fostering a positive company culture is essential for building a strong, motivated workforce that thrives in a collaborative environment. It promotes employee satisfaction, loyalty, and overall productivity. A supportive culture not only attracts talent but also encourages long-term growth and innovation.

  • Employee retention: A healthy organizational culture significantly improves job satisfaction and reduces turnover rates. Employees are more likely to remain with an organization that values their well-being, offers a strong company culture, and promotes a good work-life balance.
  • Productivity: When the workplace culture values and engages employees, their productivity levels naturally increase. A positive organizational culture fosters collaboration, motivation, and higher organizational performance.
  • Attracting talent: Companies with a strong, positive culture, such as a market culture, are more successful in attracting top talent. Job seekers often prioritize cultural fit, considering the organization's culture as a critical factor when choosing an employer.
  • Innovation: A supportive culture encourages creativity and innovation. Employees are more likely to share new ideas and take risks in a culture that celebrates experimentation and learning. Conducting a cultural assessment, including the Denilson Organizational Culture Survey and focus groups, can help assess organizational culture and identify areas for innovation.
  • Customer satisfaction: A positive culture translates into better customer service. Employees who are happy, motivated, and aligned with the organization’s values are more likely to deliver exceptional service, contributing to overall customer satisfaction and a healthy organizational culture.

What are company culture assessment surveys?

A man giving rating
What are company culture assessment surveys?

Company culture assessment surveys serve as vital organizational cultural assessment instruments for gathering both quantitative and qualitative data about the current culture within an organization.

Tools like the Denison Organizational Culture Survey and the Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI), based on the competing values framework, are commonly used in these evaluations. These surveys typically focus on critical aspects such as employee satisfaction, values alignment, and the overall work environment.

By identifying cultural traits and recognizing areas of both strength and weakness, these assessments provide actionable insights that can help address toxic culture issues, create a more positive work environment, and improve employee engagement.

Additionally, ensuring that employees are recognized for their contributions is essential in fostering a strong organizational culture and mitigating any negative cultural impacts.

What are the 4 c's culture assessment?

The 4 C's of culture assessment provide a framework for evaluating the health and effectiveness of an organization's culture. By focusing on critical aspects like clarity, communication, consistency, and commitment, companies can better understand how their culture influences employee engagement and overall performance.

  1. Culture: This component evaluates the overall work environment, including the values, norms, and practices that define the organizational culture. Tools like the Denison Organizational Culture Survey and the Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) are effective in this evaluation, providing insights into how the culture influences the organization's success.
  2. Climate: Assesses the current atmosphere or mood within the organization, including employee morale and satisfaction. Cultural assessments help ensure that employees feel valued and supported, contributing to a positive work environment.
  3. Capabilities: Looks at the skills, competencies, and abilities of employees and how well they align with the company's needs and goals. When employees are recognized for their capabilities, they are more likely to stay engaged and contribute to increased productivity.
  4. Commitment: Measures employee engagement and dedication to the company's mission, vision, and values. A company-wide survey, as an effective assessment tool, helps in gauging this commitment. Ongoing monitoring of these cultural traits ensures that employees remain engaged and that the organization continuously aligns with its strategic objectives.

Company culture survey vs. employee engagement survey

A man ticking the five stars
Company culture survey vs. employee engagement survey

While both company culture surveys and employee engagement surveys aim to assess workplace dynamics, they each focus on different aspects:

Company culture survey

This type of survey serves as an effective tool for cultural assessment, concentrating on understanding the overall work environment, organizational values, and cultural norms.

It provides insights into the organization's strengths, how well the company’s culture aligns with its strategic goals, and whether employees feel connected to these cultural elements.

By highlighting areas where employees feel valued or areas needing improvement, it can drive positive changes and support the development of a new culture that aligns with competitive advantage.

Employee engagement survey

This survey is designed to measure how engaged employees are with their work and the organization as a whole. It focuses on key factors such as job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment, offering a detailed view of employees' emotional connection to their roles.

Tools like pulse surveys can be used as an ongoing assessment tool to capture real-time employee experiences, ensuring that employees feel heard and their concerns are addressed promptly.

7 Benefits of company culture assessment surveys

Company culture assessment surveys are valuable tools that help organizations gauge employee perceptions and the overall work environment. These surveys provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of a company's culture.

  1. Identifies strengths and weaknesses: Utilizing an organizational culture assessment instrument, such as pulse surveys, can reveal which aspects of the culture are working well and where necessary changes are needed. These surveys help identify areas where employees feel empowered and recognized, as well as where the culture may be lacking.
  2. Enhances employee engagement: By conducting a thorough cultural assessment, organizations can gain a deep understanding of employees' perceptions of the culture. This insight allows for the tailoring of initiatives that boost engagement and satisfaction, ensuring that employees feel recognized and valued.
  3. Supports strategic alignment: A well-executed cultural assessment aligns the organizational culture with strategic goals. This alignment ensures that the culture supports the business objectives, whether the focus is on results-oriented outcomes or being people-oriented.
  4. Improves communication: Cultural assessments highlight communication gaps and areas where transparency can be improved. Understanding daily behaviors and interactions helps address these gaps and fosters a more open and communicative work environment.
  5. Drives performance: A positive, people-oriented culture contributes to higher productivity and better performance across the organization. By emphasizing a culture where employees feel empowered and their contributions are recognized, organizations can drive significant improvements in performance.
  6. Facilitates change management: Insights from cultural assessments provide a foundation for managing and implementing necessary cultural changes effectively. These insights help organizations make informed decisions about fostering diversity and improving employee experiences.
  7. Attracts and retains talent: A strong, positive culture is instrumental in attracting top talent and retaining current employees. Organizations that focus on a results-oriented and inclusive culture are more attractive to potential employees and are better positioned to retain their workforce.

How to conduct an organizational culture assessment: 13 Tips & checklist to follow

A man playing darts
How to conduct an organizational culture assessment: 13 Tips & checklist to follow

A well-structured assessment helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring alignment with business goals. Here are 13 tips and a checklist to guide you through the process effectively.

  1. Define objectives: Clearly outline what you want to achieve with the assessment. This could include improving employee satisfaction, aligning culture with strategy, or identifying areas for development.
  2. Choose the right tools: Select appropriate assessment tools, such as surveys, interviews, or focus groups, that fit your objectives.
  3. Engage stakeholders: Involve key stakeholders, including leadership and employees, in the assessment process to ensure buy-in and relevance.
  4. Communicate transparently: Inform employees about the purpose and process of the assessment to encourage participation and honest feedback.
  5. Ensure anonymity: Provide anonymous options for feedback to ensure candid responses.
  6. Analyze data thoroughly: Use data analysis techniques to identify trends, patterns, and areas of concern.
  7. Benchmark against best practices: Compare your findings with industry best practices to gauge where your organization stands.
  8. Develop actionable insights: Translate the data into actionable insights that can drive cultural improvements.
  9. Create an action plan: Develop a clear plan for addressing the identified issues and implementing changes.
  10. Monitor progress: Regularly track the progress of your action plan and make adjustments as needed.
  11. Involve leadership: Ensure that leaders are engaged in the assessment process and committed to driving cultural change.
  12. Foster continuous improvement: Use the assessment as a tool for ongoing cultural development and refinement.
  13. Solicit feedback: After implementing changes, seek feedback to evaluate their effectiveness and make necessary adjustments.

How to choose effective company culture survey questions

Selecting effective survey questions is crucial for obtaining valuable insights. Consider the following tips:

  • Align with objectives: Ensure questions are aligned with the goals of the assessment.
  • Use clear and concise language: Avoid jargon and ensure questions are easily understood.
  • Include a mix of question types: Use a combination of multiple-choice, rating scale, and open-ended questions to capture both quantitative and qualitative data.
  • Focus on key areas: Address critical aspects of culture such as values, leadership, communication, and work environment.
  • Avoid leading questions: Ensure questions are neutral and do not lead respondents to a particular answer.

25 Questions to ask in your company culture assessment survey

A question mark block
25+ Questions to ask in your company culture assessment survey

A well-crafted company culture assessment survey provides valuable insights into employee experiences and the overall workplace atmosphere. Asking the right questions ensures that you gather meaningful data to drive improvements. Here are 25 essential questions to include in your survey.

  1. How well do you understand the company's mission and values?
  2. Do you feel that the company's values align with your personal values?
  3. How would you rate the level of communication within the organization?
  4. Do you feel that leadership is approachable and supportive?
  5. How often do you receive feedback on your performance?
  6. Are your contributions and achievements recognized and rewarded?
  7. How would you describe the work environment?
  8. Do you feel that your work is meaningful and contributes to the company's goals?
  9. How well does the company support your professional development?
  10. Do you feel that there is a good work-life balance within the organization?
  11. How effectively does the company handle conflicts and grievances?
  12. Do you feel that diversity and inclusion are valued in the workplace?
  13. How satisfied are you with your current role and responsibilities?
  14. Do you feel that there are opportunities for career advancement?
  15. How would you rate the level of collaboration between teams?
  16. Do you feel that the company's leadership is transparent with employees?
  17. How well do you think the company adapts to changes and challenges?
  18. Do you feel that the company fosters a positive and supportive culture?
  19. How satisfied are you with the resources and tools provided for your work?
  20. Do you feel that there is a clear direction and strategy for the company?
  21. How well does the company promote innovation and creativity?
  22. Do you feel that your input is valued and considered by management?
  23. How would you rate the overall morale of employees within the organization?
  24. Do you believe that the company's culture supports your personal growth?
  25. How likely are you to recommend the company as a great place to work?

Significance of having an employee feedback tool in assessing company culture at work

An employee feedback tool is essential for effectively assessing company culture. It provides a structured way for employees to share their opinions and experiences, offering valuable insights into the organizational climate. Key benefits include:

  • Real-time feedback: Allows for timely collection of feedback, enabling prompt identification of issues and trends.
  • Anonymity: Encourages honest and candid responses by allowing employees to provide feedback anonymously.
  • Actionable insights: Provides data that can be analyzed to develop actionable strategies for cultural improvement.
  • Continuous improvement: Supports ongoing culture assessment and refinement, ensuring that the organization remains responsive to employee needs and changes.
  • Enhanced engagement: Demonstrates that the company values employee input, which can increase engagement and satisfaction.


Conducting a company culture assessment is a crucial step in creating a positive and effective workplace environment. By understanding the current state of your culture, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and implementing targeted improvements, you can foster a more engaged and productive workforce.

Utilizing surveys, selecting effective questions, and leveraging feedback tools are key components in this process.  CultureMonkey's employee retention software tool plays a significant role in this assessment by providing valuable insights into employee satisfaction and retention.

It helps organizations measure employee experience, identify areas for improvement, and implement strategies that enhance overall company culture. Ultimately, a well-assessed and continuously improved culture, supported by tools like CultureMonkey, can drive organizational success, attract top talent, and create a workplace where employees thrive.

Athira V S

Athira V S

Athira is a content marketer who loves reading non-fictions. As an avid reader, she enjoys visiting art galleries and literature festivals to explore new ideas and meet new people.