What is loud quitting: How can proper employee offboarding help you in 2024?

Kailash Ganesh
17 min read
What is loud quitting, and how can a proper employee offboarding strategy help you in 2024?
What is loud quitting, and how can a proper employee offboarding strategy help you in 2024?

Remember "quiet quitting" or bare minimum Mondays?? That subtle disengagement where employees dialed back effort, content with doing the minimal effort? Well, buckle up because 2024 has ushered in a new wave of employee expression: loud quitting.

Imagine resignation emails exploding across social media, scathing exit interviews plastered online, and disgruntled employees openly broadcasting their frustrations with your company culture. That's loud quitting, a phenomenon shaking workplaces worldwide, threatening the global economy and GDP, and sending chills down every manager's spine.

But wait, before you reach for the panic button, consider this: a well-crafted employee offboarding strategy can be your life raft in this stormy sea.

Think of it like this: instead of letting employees jump ship with a megaphone, why not create a safe space for them to voice their concerns before reaching that point? By investing in a proper offboarding process, you can turn frustration into valuable feedback, prevent public meltdowns, and ultimately retain top talent.

This article dives deep into the murky waters of loud quitting, exploring its causes, consequences, and the strategic offboarding solutions that can help you weather the storm.

So, brace yourself for some hard truths and actionable solutions. Because in the era of loud quitting, the only way to stay afloat is to listen, learn, and prioritize your people.

Loud quitting definition

Employee shouting in a megaphone
Loud quitting definition

Loud quitting is a modern way employees show they're not happy at work. It happens when people leave their jobs and loudly share their complaints in public.

Unlike quiet quitting, where employees quietly disengage without telling anyone, loud quitting is all about making sure everyone knows they're unhappy. It's like a deliberate effort to shout out their discontent for everyone to hear.

It could involve things like posting their resignation on social media, sharing negative comments about the company culture, or even openly criticizing the company during exit interviews. Essentially, it's a very public and vocal way of expressing dissatisfaction when leaving a job.

Loud quitting is akin to an employee turning up the volume on their departure, creating a noticeable ripple effect within and beyond the workplace. Picture this: when someone decides to leave their job, instead of quietly slipping away, they make their departure a spectacle.

The essence of loud quit lies in the intentional effort to broadcast discontent, ensuring that not only colleagues within the organization but also a broader audience becomes aware of the reasons behind the departure.

It's a departure strategy with an unmissable spotlight, making the act of, even leaving their new job as a public statement of dissatisfaction.

What are the common causes of loud quitting?

A giant scissor cutting the bride between employees and employer
What are the common causes of loud quitting?

Loud quitting often stems from a variety of underlying causes that drive employees to take a vocal and public stand against their workplace. Understanding these factors is crucial for organizations aiming to address the root issues and prevent the escalation of dissatisfaction. Here are some common causes of loud quitting:

Cultural misalignment

When employees feel that the company's values and culture don't align with their own, it can lead to loud quitting. This misalignment may include issues related to diversity and inclusion, ethical concerns, or a lack of transparency.

Poor leadership

Ineffective or unsupportive leadership can contribute significantly to loud quitting. Employees who may be loud quitters often express frustration with leadership styles, lack of communication, or perceived favoritism.

Lack of career development

A limited scope for professional growth and skill development can prompt employees to loudly quit. Individuals seek organizations that invest in their career advancement, and when this is lacking, they may choose to make their discontent known.

Burnout and work-life imbalance

Loud quitting can be a reaction to excessive workload, burnout, and an unhealthy work-life balance. Employees may vocalize their departure when they feel their well-being is neglected, and the organization fails to address these concerns.

Inadequate recognition and appreciation

Feeling undervalued or unappreciated for their contributions can lead employees to loud quitting. Recognition and acknowledgment of their efforts are essential for fostering a positive workplace culture.

Unresolved conflict

Persistent interpersonal conflicts within the workplace, especially when left unaddressed, can escalate to loud quitting. Employees might choose to make their reasons public if they feel their concerns were not adequately addressed.

Lack of open communication

In environments where communication channels are limited, employees might resort to loud quitting to ensure their voices are heard. A transparent and open communication culture can prevent dissatisfaction from reaching such extremes.

Workplace discrimination and harassment

Instances of discrimination or harassment in the workplace can drive employees to loudly resign in protest. Whether it's discrimination based on gender, race, or other protected characteristics, such behavior can create a toxic environment that prompts individuals to vocalize their grievances and seek justice.

Understanding these causes allows organizations to proactively address issues, implement changes, and create an environment where employees feel heard and valued, ultimately reducing the likelihood of loud quitting.

Loud quitting and its effects

Employees are feeling down in the workplace
Loud quitting and its effects

Loud quitting, with its vocal and public expression of employee dissatisfaction, can have far-reaching effects on both individuals' jobs and organizations. Here's an exploration of the significant impacts associated with this phenomenon:

  • Reputation damage: Public airing of grievances can tarnish the reputation of the organization. Negative comments on social media, scathing exit interviews, and disgruntled employees openly criticizing company culture can be detrimental to how the organization is perceived.
  • Employee morale: While loud quitting might provide a temporary outlet for expressing frustration, it often leaves the departing employee with a damaged professional reputation. Colleagues may be affected by the negativity, contributing to a decline in overall employee morale.
  • Talent acquisition challenges: The public display of discontent can dissuade potential hires from considering the organization as a desirable workplace. The negative perception created when employees are loud quitting may pose challenges in attracting top talent.
  • Impact of a loud quitter on team dynamics: The departure of a colleague through loud quitting can create tension and disrupt team dynamics. It may lead to increased stress and uncertainty among remaining team members.
  • Productivity loss: The public nature of loud quitting can create distractions within the workplace. Co-workers might spend time discussing the departure rather than focusing on their tasks, leading to productivity losses.
  • Increased turnover risk: Witnessing loud quitting may prompt other employees to reconsider their own commitment to the organization. It can contribute to a negative domino effect, increasing the risk of further departures.
  • Difficulty in future collaborations: Departing employees who publicly criticize their former workplace may face challenges in future collaborations. Their public statements may impact professional relationships within their industry.
  • Legal implications: In extreme cases, if departing employees make inflammatory comments about the organization, legal consequences may arise. Defamatory statements could result in legal action, further, it can directly harm the employee's professional standing.
  • Impact on recruitment brand: Employer branding: Loud quitting affects the employer brand, making it difficult to attract and retain top talent. Organizations may struggle to position themselves as desirable employers, impacting their long-term recruitment strategies.
  • Organizational reflection: Loud quitting serves as a wake-up call for organizations to reevaluate leadership styles, company culture, and employee engagement strategies. It highlights areas that need more focus and improvement for long-term organizational success.
  • Disruption of company culture: Loud quitting can disrupt the established company culture and create rifts within the organization. When departing employees publicly criticize the organization's values or practices, it can erode trust and cohesion among remaining staff members, impacting the overall culture negatively.
  • Loss of customer confidence: Public displays of dissatisfaction through loud quitting can also affect customer confidence in the organization. Clients and stakeholders may perceive the company as unstable or unreliable, leading to a loss of trust and potentially affecting business relationships and revenue streams.

In navigating the aftermath of loud quitting, organizations must implement strategic offboarding processes, address underlying issues, and work towards fostering a positive workplace culture that prioritizes open communication and employee well-being.

Loud quitters vs. quiet quitters

Employee walking towards the exit door with all his things
Loud quitters vs. quiet quitters

Loud quitting and quiet quitting represent two distinct approaches that employees take when disengaging from their work, each with its own set of characteristics and implications.

Loud quitting

  • Vocal expression: Loud quitting involves a vocal and public expression of dissatisfaction by departing employees. This can manifest through social media posts, scathing exit interviews, or openly criticizing the company culture.
  • Intentional broadcast: Individuals intentionally make an effort to broadcast their discontent, ensuring that their departure and grievances are known to a wider audience within and potentially beyond the organization.
  • Immediate impact: The effects of loud quitting are often immediate, as the departure is accompanied by a noticeable and sometimes dramatic expression of dissatisfaction. This can have swift consequences for both the departing employee and the organization's reputation.
  • Public attention: Loud quitting draws public attention to the reasons for leaving, potentially impacting the morale of colleagues, the organization's image, and even its ability to attract new talent.

Quiet quitting

  • Subtle disengagement: Quiet quitting, on the other hand, involves a more subtle and less conspicuous disengagement from work. Employees disengage without making their dissatisfaction overtly known to others.
  • Low-key departure: Individuals choosing quiet quitting typically prefer a low-key departure, avoiding public expression of their grievances. This may involve resigning without drawing attention or choosing not to disclose specific reasons for leaving.
  • Gradual impact: The impact of quiet quitting is often gradual, with colleagues and leaders in the organization realizing the disengagement over time. This method can lead to a slow erosion of morale and productivity.
  • Less public attention: Quiet quitting does not draw public attention to the reasons for departure. While colleagues may notice the disengagement, a quiet quit is less likely to affect the organization's reputation or attract external scrutiny.

In summary, loud quitting involves a bold and expressive departure, while quiet quitting is characterized by more subdued and disengaged employees.

Both approaches have their own consequences, and understanding the difference between these dynamics is crucial for organizations aiming to address employee dissatisfaction and implement effective offboarding strategies.

What to do about loud quitting as a leader of global employees?

Employer having a chat with employee
What to do about loud quitting as a leader of global employees?

Addressing loud quitting as a leader requires a thoughtful and strategic approach to mitigate the negative impact on both the departing employee and the organization. Here are key steps to consider:

Listen actively

Engage with the departing employee to understand their grievances. Provide a platform for them to express their concerns and feelings. Actively listening demonstrates empathy and may uncover valuable insights.

Conduct exit interviews

Use exit interviews to gather feedback from departing employees. Create a safe and confidential space for them to share their experiences, frustrations, and suggestions for improvement. Analyze this feedback to identify patterns and areas for organizational growth.

Address immediate concerns

If there are immediate issues raised during the loud quitting process, address them promptly. Whether it's resolving conflicts with human resources, improving communication, or addressing cultural issues, taking swift action demonstrates commitment to positive change.

Communicate transparently:

Communicate with the remaining team members transparently but tactfully. Acknowledge the departure without divulging confidential details. Reassure the team about the organization's commitment to improvement and to prioritize employee well being-being.

Reevaluate company culture

Assess the company culture to identify areas for improvement. If loud quitting is indicative of widespread dissatisfaction, it may be necessary to reassess values, communication practices, and leadership styles. Make necessary adjustments to create a healthier work environment.

Implement employee engagement initiatives

Proactively engage employees through initiatives such as mentorship programs, career development opportunities, and wellness programs. Strengthening the bond between employees and the organization can contribute to a more positive workplace culture.

Enhance leadership training

Invest in leadership training programs to equip managers with the skills needed to foster a positive work environment. Leadership that promotes open communication, supports professional growth, and values employee well-being can prevent future instances of workers loud quitting.

Strategic offboarding processes

Develop and implement effective offboarding processes. This includes providing departing managers and employees with resources for career transition, conducting exit interviews, and ensuring that the departure is handled professionally and respectfully.

Promote employee advocacy

Encourage departing employees to express their concerns constructively rather than through loud quitting. Creating avenues for constructive feedback and ensuring employees feel heard can contribute to a more positive departure experience.

Monitor employee sentiment

Regularly assess employee sentiment through surveys, feedback sessions, or pulse checks. Identifying and addressing concerns in real-time can prevent dissatisfaction from escalating to the point of loud quitting.

Continuous improvement

Treat loud quitting as an opportunity for continuous improvement. Regularly review and adapt organizational practices based on feedback, evolving industry standards, and the changing needs of employees.

Global cultural sensitivity training

Provide global cultural sensitivity training to leaders and employees to ensure understanding and respect for diverse perspectives and communication styles across different regions.

Remote employee support programs

Implement remote employee support programs to address the unique challenges faced by global employees, such as feelings of isolation or disconnect from the organization.

By taking these steps, leaders can actively address loud quitting, foster a positive work environment, and work towards building a resilient and engaged workforce.

Significance of exit surveys in employee offboarding

Employee filling out a huge survey form
Significance of exit surveys in employee offboarding

Exit surveys play a crucial role in the employee offboarding process, providing valuable insights and offering several significant benefits for organizations. Here's a look at the importance of exit surveys in employee offboarding:

  • Feedback for continuous improvement: Exit surveys serve as a structured mechanism for collecting feedback from departing employees. By understanding the reasons behind their decision to leave, organizations can identify areas for improvement in various aspects such as workplace culture, leadership, and overall employee experience.
  • Identifying patterns and trends: Analyzing data from multiple exit surveys over time helps organizations identify recurring patterns and trends. This information is invaluable for recognizing systemic issues that may be contributing to turnover and enables strategic planning to address these issues.
  • Enhancing employee engagement: Feedback obtained through exit surveys can highlight areas where the organization may need to enhance employee engagement. Understanding the factors that contribute to disengagement allows for targeted efforts to improve the overall work experience for disengaged and engaged employees together.
  • Retaining institutional knowledge: Exit surveys can capture valuable insights and knowledge that departing employees possess. This information is especially crucial if the departing employee held a unique role or had specific expertise. It enables organizations to make informed decisions about knowledge transfer and succession planning.
  • Improving recruitment and onboarding processes: Understanding the experiences of departing employees during the recruitment and onboarding processes helps organizations refine these processes. By learning about expectations versus realities, organizations can make adjustments to attract and integrate new hires more effectively.
  • Preserving employer brand: A well-structured exit survey allows employees to provide feedback in a constructive and confidential manner. This contributes to a positive offboarding experience, preserving the organization's employer brand. Departing employees who feel their anonymous feedback and is valued are more likely to speak positively about their former employer.
  • Preventing future turnover: Insights gained from exit surveys can highlight issues that, if addressed, may prevent future turnover. Proactively identifying and resolving concerns can contribute to a more positive work environment, ultimately reducing the likelihood of similar departures.
  • Demonstrating a commitment to employee well-being: Implementing exit surveys demonstrates to employees that the organization cares about their opinions and experiences, even as they leave. This commitment to understanding and addressing employee concerns contributes to a culture that values employee well-being.
  • Strategic planning for talent management: Exit surveys inform strategic planning for talent management. Organizations can use the feedback to make informed decisions about talent acquisition, employee development, and succession planning, aligning their strategies with employee expectations and experiences.
  • Legal compliance: In some cases, exit surveys can help organizations ensure legal compliance by providing evidence that they have given departing employees an opportunity to share their feedback. This can be important for employers in industries or regions with specific employment regulations.

Exit surveys are a powerful tool for organizations to gather insights, improve their practices, and create an environment that fosters employee satisfaction and loyalty, even during the offboarding process.

How does loud quitting impact company culture and employee morale?

Employee feeling low in battering in the workplace x
How does loud quitting impact company culture and employee morale?

Loud quitting, characterized by dramatic or disruptive behavior when an employee resigns, can have significant repercussions on both company culture and employee morale. Here's how:

  • Erodes trust and stability: Loud quitting undermines the sense of trust and stability within the organization. When employees witness their colleagues leaving in a disruptive manner, it creates uncertainty about the future of the company and their own job security.
  • Creates negative perception: Loud resignations can tarnish the company's reputation both internally and externally. Employees may perceive the organization as unstable or poorly managed, while clients and partners may question the company's ability to retain talent and maintain professionalism.
  • Exacerbates workplace stress: Loud quitting adds to the overall stress levels within the workplace environment. The heightened tension and uncertainty resulting from such departures can increase stress among employees, negatively impacting their well-being and overall job satisfaction.
  • Undermines employee engagement: Loud quitting can lead to a decline in employee engagement levels as remaining staff may feel disconnected or disillusioned with their work environment. The negative impact of loud departures on morale and trust can result in employees becoming disengaged from their tasks, leading to decreased productivity and overall organizational performance.
  • Dampens team cohesion: Loud quitting fractures team unity and trust, creating rifts among employees and undermining collaboration within the organization. This breakdown in cohesion can erode company culture and dampen employee morale
  • Impairs productivity: The fallout from loud quitting, including decreased morale and increased turnover, can hamper productivity and performance. Disrupted teams may struggle to collaborate effectively, leading to missed deadlines and subpar results.
  • Fosters negative rumors and gossip: Loud quitting may spark rumors and gossip within the workplace, further damaging employee morale and trust. Speculation about the reasons behind the departure or the implications for the company's future can spread quickly, creating a toxic environment characterized by distrust and anxiety among employees.
  • Diminishes employee loyalty: Loud quitting can diminish employee loyalty to the organization as employees may question their commitment to a company that experiences such public departures. Witnessing colleagues leave in a disruptive manner can weaken the emotional connection and sense of loyalty that employees have towards their employer.
  • Undermines leadership credibility: Loud quitting reflects poorly on the leadership and management of the organization. It raises questions about their ability to retain talent, manage conflicts, and maintain a positive work environment.

How can proper offboarding help you resolve loud quitting?

Employee is having a proper send off
How can proper offboarding help you resolve loud quitting?

Proper offboarding can play a significant role in resolving issues associated with loud quitting by addressing the root causes of dissatisfaction and providing a constructive way for departing employees to express their concerns. Here's how a well-crafted offboarding process can help mitigate the impact of loud quitting:

  • Create a safe feedback channel: Implement an offboarding process that encourages departing employees to provide feedback in a safe and confidential manner. This can include exit interviews, surveys, or one-on-one discussions. By creating a secure environment, employees may feel more inclined to share their concerns without resorting to public expressions of dissatisfaction.
  • Identify and address issues: Use the feedback obtained during the offboarding process to identify specific issues contributing to dissatisfaction. This information is crucial for understanding the root causes of loud quitting and enables organizations to take targeted actions to address these concerns.
  • Proactive conflict resolution: If conflicts or interpersonal issues are identified during offboarding, take proactive steps to address them. This may involve mediation, counseling, or other conflict resolution mechanisms. Resolving conflicts before they escalate can prevent the need for employees to publicly express their grievances.
  • Continuous improvement initiatives: Leverage the insights gained from the offboarding process to initiate continuous improvement initiatives. This may involve reassessing company culture, leadership practices, and communication strategies. Demonstrating a commitment to ongoing improvement can help prevent future instances of loud quitting.
  • Implement cultural changes: If offboarding feedback indicates systemic cultural issues, consider implementing changes to foster a healthier work environment. This may involve cultural training, leadership development programs, or initiatives to enhance employee engagement and well-being.
  • Enhance leadership awareness: Use offboarding feedback to enhance leadership awareness of the impact their actions and decisions have on employee satisfaction. Leadership development programs and training can help create a culture of empathy and understanding, reducing the likelihood of employees resorting to loud quitting.
  • Strategic communication: Develop a strategic communication plan during the offboarding process. This involves communicating changes, improvements, or initiatives that have been implemented as a result of employee feedback. Transparent communication demonstrates the organization's commitment to addressing concerns.
  • Retain valuable insights: Offboarding provides an opportunity to retain valuable insights from departing employees, including their knowledge, skills, and experiences. This information can be used for knowledge transfer, succession planning, and preventing the loss of institutional knowledge.
  • Encourage constructive departure: Foster a culture where employees feel comfortable expressing their concerns constructively before resorting to loud quitting. Promote open communication channels and provide multiple avenues for employees to share feedback throughout their tenure.

Loud quitting examples

Employee quitting the workplace
Loud quitting examples

Loud quitting instances often feature employees publicly expressing their dissatisfaction with their employer or work environment. Here are 10 scenarios exemplifying what loud quitting may look like:

  1. Social media resignation: An employee announces their resignation on social media platforms, detailing reasons for leaving and expressing frustrations with the company's reputation, culture, management, or policies. This public declaration aims to reach a broad audience.
  2. Scathing exit interview: During an exit interview, an employee provides candid and critical feedback about the organization. They openly discuss their grievances, emphasizing organizational issues such as poor leadership, inadequate communication, or an unsupportive work environment.
  3. Online reviews and ratings: An employee posts negative reviews about their employer on job-related websites, company review platforms, or industry forums. These reviews may highlight specific instances of dissatisfaction, contributing to a negative perception of the company.
  4. Public letter of resignation: Instead of a standard resignation letter sent internally, an employee drafts a public letter of resignation and shares it on professional platforms or company communication channels. This letter may detail the reasons for leaving and criticize aspects of the organization.
  5. Live exit announcement: In some cases, employees may choose to make a live announcement of their departure during a team meeting, highlighting their reasons for leaving and expressing their frustrations in front of colleagues and superiors.
  6. Podcast or video resignation: Departing employees create podcasts or videos to announce their resignation. These mediums allow them to articulate their reasons for leaving, often accompanied by personal anecdotes or specific instances that led to their decision.
  7. Open letter to colleagues: An employee writes an open letter to colleagues within the organization, discussing their departure and sharing insights into their experiences. This letter may be distributed via email or internal communication channels.
  8. Anonymous whistleblowing: In an attempt to maintain anonymity, an employee leaks internal information or documents that shed light on organizational issues. This form of loud quitting aims to draw attention to perceived problems without directly revealing the identity of the whistleblower.
  9. Public job search announcement: An employee actively job hunting while still employed makes their job search public. This may involve sharing updates on professional networks, announcing interviews, or discussing dissatisfaction with their current position openly.
  10. Creating a blog or website: Departing employees may create a blog or website dedicated to sharing their experiences within the organization. These platforms allow them to detail their journey, express dissatisfaction, and potentially attract attention from industry professionals.


Navigating the challenges of loud quitting requires a proactive and strategic approach to employee offboarding. A well-crafted offboarding strategy can transform frustration into valuable feedback, prevent public meltdowns, and ultimately retain top talent.

By understanding the "whys" behind loud quits, curbing the exodus through positive offboarding experiences, and building a culture of engagement, organizations can weather the storm of this phenomenon.

As you strive to create a workplace where employees feel heard and valued, consider leveraging tools and platforms that specialize in enhancing organizational culture. CultureMonkey, with its expertise in cultivating positive workplace environments, stands as a valuable ally in this journey.

Take the next step in prioritizing your people and fostering a culture of engagement. Explore how CultureMonkey’s employee retention software can help your organization thrive in the era of loud quitting today!


1. Why is loud quitting worse than quiet quitting?

Loud quitting can be more detrimental than quiet quitting because it creates a disruptive and negative atmosphere in the workplace. It can damage employee morale, tarnish the company's reputation, and lead to increased turnover. Additionally, loud quitting may escalate conflicts and make it more challenging to resolve issues constructively, impacting the overall productivity and success of the organization.

2. What are some signs that an employee might be considering a loud exit from their job?

Signs that an employee might be considering a loud exit include increasingly vocal dissatisfaction, public criticisms of the company or leadership, abrupt changes in behavior, and a lack of engagement in work-related activities. Additionally, if an employee begins to openly discuss their grievances with coworkers or expresses a desire to make a statement upon leaving, these could be indicators of a potential loud quitting scenario.

3. What are some best practices for handling public relations or media attention that may arise from a loud quitting incident?

When facing public relations or media attention resulting from a loud quitting incident, it's crucial to respond promptly, professionally, and transparently. Acknowledge the situation, express empathy for the departing employee, and reaffirm the organization's commitment to addressing any underlying issues. Avoid engaging in public disputes, as this can further escalate the situation. Instead, focus on conveying a positive image of the company.

4. Is loud quitting a trend?

While loud quitting may garner attention in individual cases, it's not necessarily a widespread trend. Instances of loud quitting often arise from specific circumstances or grievances unique to the individual employee and their relationship with the organization. However, with the increasing influence of social media and public platforms, such incidents may receive more visibility.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Content Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He has written 200+ blogs on employee experience, company culture and is a huge employee engagement evangelist.