15 Best Qualtrics engagement software alternatives & competitors to try in 2024

18 min read
15 Best Qualtrics engagement software alternatives & competitors to try in 2024
15 Best Qualtrics engagement software alternatives & competitors to try in 2024

Ever walk into your favorite takeout spot, only to find your go-to burrito bowl replaced with... gasp a quinoa kale salad? (Don't get me wrong, #healthyeating, but sometimes you just crave that cheesy goodness, right?)

The point is, even the most loyal customers crave a little change-up now and then. That's exactly what happens in the world too. Businesses get comfy with a platform, then a shiny new option with all the bells and whistles catches their eye.

So, if you're reading this because Qualtrics feels a tad...familiar, fear not! This blog is your one-stop shop for exploring the tastiest, I mean, most effective Qualtrics alternatives out there.

Let's find the perfect fit for your business's ever-evolving needs!

What is Qualtrics?

What is Qualtrics?
What is Qualtrics?

Qualtrics is a prominent customer experience management (XM) software solution designed to capture and analyze feedback across various touchpoints. It empowers organizations to collect customer feedback data, employee, product, and brand experiences. Qualtrics offers a robust suite of features including survey creation and distribution, data visualization tools, and advanced analytics functionalities to improve customer satisfaction.

However, the ever-evolving landscape presents businesses with a vast array of options. While Qualtrics may have been a perfect fit initially, companies should continuously explore alternatives to ensure they leverage the most effective and cost-conscious solutions for their specific needs.

Why should you try Qualtrics XM alternatives?

Employer looking for Qualtrics alternatives
Why should you try Qualtrics XM alternatives?

While Qualtrics offers a comprehensive experience management (XM) suite, the dynamic nature of the market presents compelling reasons to explore alternatives. Here's why a forward-thinking approach to XM software can benefit your organization:

  • Evolving needs, evolving solutions: Business goals and priorities shift over time. Evaluating alternatives ensures your XM platform aligns with your current objectives and adapts to future growth.
  • Feature focus: The market offers a diverse range of XM solutions, each with unique strengths. Exploring alternatives allows you to identify platforms that specialize in specific areas, like employee engagement or customer feedback platforms, potentially providing more tailored customer insights.
  • Integration potential: Integration with existing CRM, marketing automation, or HR systems can streamline workflows and enhance data analysis. Examining alternatives allows you to discover platforms that seamlessly integrate with your current tech stack.
  • Innovation at the forefront: New technologies emerge constantly, introducing novel features and functionalities in the XM space. Evaluating alternatives to Qualtrics exposes you to cutting-edge solutions that can elevate your data collection and analysis capabilities.
  • Cost optimization: A competitive and evolving market fosters cost-consciousness. Exploring alternatives allows you to identify solutions that offer similar or even superior functionality at a more attractive price point.
  • User-centric design: User experience (UX) plays a crucial role in user adoption. Evaluating alternatives can uncover platforms with intuitive interfaces and streamlined workflows, leading to increased user engagement and to gather customer feedback.
  • Vendor flexibility: A diverse pool of vendors empowers you to negotiate more favorable contract terms and service level agreements (SLAs). Exploring the best Qualtrics competitors strengthens your bargaining position and ensures you receive the best value for your investment.

Top 15 Qualtrics employee experience alternatives that you should consider in 2024

1. CultureMonkey

CultureMonkey, an employee engagement survey platform

In today's competitive talent landscape, fostering a positive work environment and maximizing employee satisfaction are crucial for business success.

CultureMonkey emerges as a powerful solution, empowering organizations to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement and responsiveness to employee feedback through its core principle: listen, analyze, act, sustain, repeat. Here's why CultureMonkey should be your go-to platform for employee engagement:

2. Medallia


Here's how Medallia empowers organizations to cultivate a thriving work environment:

  • Medallia goes beyond annual surveys, offering real-time feedback tools like pulse surveys. This allows you to gather frequent insights into employee sentiment, identify emerging issues early, and take swift corrective action to maintain a positive work culture.
  • Medallia doesn't stop at data collection. Its advanced analytics engine empowers you to uncover hidden patterns and correlations within employee feedback data. These insights enable data-driven decisions to address specific employee needs and improve overall engagement.
  • Medallia recognizes the importance of inclusivity. It provides multiple feedback channels, like surveys and anonymous chat options, catering to diverse communication styles and fostering participation from all employees.
  • Medallia promotes transparency by allowing you to share feedback summaries with employees. Additionally, it facilitates two-way communication through comment sections, demonstrating that their voices are heard and valued, fostering trust and boosting engagement.
  • Medallia empowers you to translate insights into action. It provides tools to assign ownership to specific feedback points, track progress on improvement initiatives, and measure the impact of implemented changes, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement in employee experience.

3. Bonusly


Here's what sets Bonusly apart:

  • Bonusly ditches traditional top-down recognition models.  It fosters a culture of appreciation through a gamified system. Employees award each other points (Bonusly points) for positive contributions and achievements.
  • Bonusly allows for real-time recognition of a job well done. Employees can express appreciation for their colleagues instantly, keeping morale high and fostering a more positive work environment.
  • Bonusly understands a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work. It allows companies to customize recognition categories and reward options to align with their unique culture and values. This personalization ensures recognition feels meaningful and resonates with employees.
  • Bonusly fosters transparency by allowing employees to see who is giving and receiving recognition. This visibility inspires healthy competition and motivates others to contribute at a high level, driving overall engagement.
  • Bonusly goes beyond feel-good recognition. It provides valuable data on recognition patterns and team dynamics. This empowers HR teams to identify high performers, address potential engagement issues, and tailor recognition programs for maximum impact.

4. AskNicely


Here's how AskNicely empowers organizations to build a culture of feedback and engagement:

  • AskNicely moves beyond generic surveys. It allows for targeted employee pulse surveys focused on specific departments, teams, or even project phases. This laser focus on specific areas generates actionable insights tailored to address unique employee needs and concerns.
  • AskNicely fosters a culture of ongoing communication. Its platform facilitates real-time employee feedback through surveys and allows managers to respond directly. This two-way dialogue ensures employees feel heard and valued, boosting engagement and fostering a sense of belonging.
  • AskNicely promotes transparency by allowing managers to share survey results and action plans with employees. This demonstrates that their voices matter and leads to visible improvements, creating a trusting and feedback-rich work environment.
  • AskNicely doesn't stop at data collection. It provides robust analytics that translate employee feedback into actionable insights. This empowers leaders to identify key drivers of employee engagement, prioritize improvement efforts, and measure the impact of implemented changes.
  • AskNicely integrates seamlessly with recognition programs. When employees provide positive feedback about colleagues, it can be easily linked to recognition initiatives. This reinforces positive behaviors and fosters a culture of appreciation, further boosting employee engagement.

5. BambooHR


Here's how BambooHR's features contribute to a thriving work environment:

  • BambooHR's platform facilitates clear communication between employees and managers. Employees can access company announcements, request time off, and even submit feedback directly through the system. This streamlines communication channels, fosters transparency, and empowers employees to have a voice.
  • BambooHR allows for setting clear and measurable goals for employees. Employees can track their progress  towards these goals within the platform itself. This fosters a sense of ownership and purpose, leading to increased engagement and motivation.
  • BambooHR integrates seamlessly with various recognition programs. Managers can leverage the platform to acknowledge employee achievements and celebrate milestones. This public recognition system reinforces positive behaviors and boosts employee morale.
  • BambooHR empowers employees through self-service functionalities. They can access payslips, update personal information, and manage their own benefits enrollment – all within the platform. This autonomy fosters a sense of trust and ownership, enhancing employee engagement.
  • BambooHR goes beyond basic employee data storage. It offers reporting tools that generate insights into key metrics like employee turnover and absenteeism. These insights empower HR teams to identify potential engagement issues and implement targeted strategies to improve the overall work experience.

6. Awardco


Here's how Awardco's features cultivate a culture of appreciation and boost employee morale:

  • Managers and peers can easily recognize achievements and express appreciation through a user-friendly platform. This removes bureaucratic hurdles and encourages frequent recognition, keeping employees feeling valued.
  • Employees can choose from a vast array of rewards,  including Amazon products, travel experiences, and more. This flexibility ensures there's something for everyone, maximizing the impact of recognition.
  • Awardco streamlines incentive programs. You can automate recurring rewards for service anniversaries, birthdays, or even achievement milestones. This frees up HR resources while ensuring timely and consistent recognition.
  • Awardco goes beyond simply offering rewards. Its platform provides valuable data on employee preferences and recognition trends. This empowers HR teams to tailor programs effectively, maximizing engagement and return on investment (ROI).
  • Awardco extends beyond individual recognition. It provides resources and tools to celebrate company achievements and milestones. This fosters a sense of team spirit and belonging, further strengthening employee engagement.

7. QuestionPro


Here's how QuestionPro empowers organizations to gather valuable feedback and build a thriving work environment:

  • QuestionPro offers a rich library of pre-built and customizable employee engagement surveys. These surveys address various aspects like work culture, manager effectiveness, and overall satisfaction. This comprehensive approach ensures you capture the right data to identify areas for improvement.
  • QuestionPro allows for feedback collection through diverse channels  like anonymous polls, pulse surveys, and even in-app feedback widgets. This caters to different employee preferences and maximizes participation rates, ensuring you get a well-rounded picture of employee sentiment.
  • QuestionPro doesn't stop at data collection. It provides robust analytics tools that translate raw data into actionable insights. Powerful data visualization features help identify trends and patterns within employee feedback, empowering data-driven decisions to address key engagement drivers.
  • QuestionPro promotes transparency by allowing you to share anonymized survey results and action plans with employees. This demonstrates that their voices matter and leads to visible improvements, creating a trusting and feedback-rich work environment.
  • QuestionPro empowers you to capture feedback throughout the employee journey. From onboarding surveys to exit interviews, you can gain valuable insights at every touchpoint, allowing you to continuously improve the employee experience and address concerns proactively.

8. 15Five


Here’s how 15Five help you with build a thriving workplace:

  • 15Five replaces outdated reviews with regular check-ins. This allows managers to stay connected with employees, discuss progress on goals, and identify roadblocks early on. Goal tracking features keep everyone accountable and motivated, fostering a results-oriented environment.
  • 15Five fosters a culture of appreciation by enabling peer-to-peer recognition. Employees can acknowledge each other's contributions and celebrate achievements directly within the platform. This boosts morale, strengthens team spirit, and encourages collaborative work.
  • 15Five empowers HR teams and managers with data-driven insights. The platform analyzes feedback and conversations, identifying trends and areas for improvement. This allows for targeted interventions and strategic decision-making to optimize employee engagement efforts.
  • 15Five streamlines performance management by facilitating ongoing conversations and feedback loops. Managers can provide regular coaching and development opportunities, fostering employee growth and career satisfaction.
  • 15Five incorporates Spark AI, an AI assistant that personalizes the experience. It suggests talking points for check-ins, prompts employees for feedback, and even surfaces relevant resources. This AI-powered support empowers managers to have more impactful conversations and ultimately drive higher engagement.

9. Culture Amp

Culture Amp
Culture Amp

Here's how Culture Amp goes beyond surface-level feedback to create surveys to build a culture of continuous improvement and employee satisfaction:

  • Culture Amp empowers you to go beyond annual surveys. Its pulse survey capabilities allow for frequent data collection, capturing real-time sentiment shifts and identifying emerging trends. This enables proactive adjustments to maintain a positive work environment.
  • Culture Amp doesn't stop at data collection; it empowers action. Advanced analytics tools translate raw feedback into actionable insights. These insights pinpoint specific areas requiring attention and guide data-driven decisions to address employee concerns effectively.
  • Culture Amp recognizes the importance of inclusivity. It offers a variety of feedback channels, including surveys and open-ended questions. This caters to diverse communication styles and ensures everyone has a voice, leading to a more comprehensive understanding of the employee experience.
  • Transparency is key! Culture Amp allows you to share anonymized survey results and action plans with employees. This demonstrates that their voices are heard and valued, fostering trust and a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Culture Amp goes beyond engagement. It delves into "people analytics," providing insights into team dynamics, employee sentiment, and performance metrics. This holistic view empowers leaders to make data-driven decisions to optimize team structures, workflows, and overall employee performance.

10. Leapsome


Here's how Leapsome empowers organizations to cultivate a thriving workforce:

  • Leapsome goes beyond traditional performance management. It facilitates collaborative goal setting, ensuring employees understand how their work aligns with organizational objectives. This fosters a sense of ownership and purpose, driving engagement and motivation.
  • Leapsome replaces outdated annual reviews with a continuous feedback loop. Employees can receive and give feedback regularly, promoting a culture of open communication and growth. This allows for timely course correction and helps employees reach their full potential.
  • Leapsome streamlines performance management by offering a user-friendly platform for setting goals, tracking progress, and providing feedback. This reduces administrative burden for HR and managers, allowing them to focus on coaching and development efforts.
  • Leapsome empowers data-driven decision making. Its analytics tools translate performance data and feedback into actionable insights. Managers can identify areas for improvement, track team progress, and make strategic decisions to optimize employee performance and engagement.
  • Leapsome integrates seamlessly with recognition programs. Employees can acknowledge achievements and celebrate milestones within the platform. This fosters a culture of appreciation, boosts employee morale, and further contributes to a positive and engaging work environment.

11. TINYpulse


Here's how TINYpulse empowers organizations to keep their finger on the employee experience pulse:

  • TINYpulse allows for frequent pulse surveys, capturing real-time employee sentiment on specific topics, projects, or company-wide initiatives. This enables swift course correction and proactive adjustments to maintain a positive work environment.
  • TINYpulse fosters a culture of appreciation through its "Cheers" feature. Employees can easily recognize and celebrate the contributions of colleagues, fostering a sense of community and boosting morale. This recognition goes beyond managers, empowering employees to express gratitude for their peers.
  • TINYpulse goes beyond data collection. Its intuitive platform translates survey responses into clear and actionable insights. User-friendly reporting tools help identify trends and areas requiring attention, allowing organizations to prioritize improvement efforts effectively.
  • TINYpulse seamlessly integrates with popular communication tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams. This allows employees to provide feedback directly within the platforms they use most, minimizing disruption and maximizing participation rates.
  • TINYpulse caters to the entire employee journey, offering surveys and feedback options tailored to onboarding, performance reviews, and even exit interviews. This comprehensive approach ensures valuable insights are captured at every touchpoint, empowering organizations to improve retention and continuously enhance the employee experience.

12. SurveySparrow


Here's how SurveySparrow fosters a culture of open communication and gathers valuable feedback to drive a thriving workplace:

  • SurveySparrow moves beyond static questionnaires. It allows creation of conversational surveys with skip logic and branching questions. This keeps employees engaged, leading to higher completion rates and richer feedback.
  • SurveySparrow empowers personalization. You can tailor surveys to specific departments, teams, or even individual employees using custom variables. This ensures questions resonate with each recipient, leading to more relevant and actionable insights.
  • SurveySparrow simplifies data analysis. Its user-friendly platform translates survey responses into clear and actionable insights.  You don't need to be a data scientist to understand the reports, empowering HR teams and managers to prioritize improvement efforts effectively.
  • SurveySparrow facilitates continuous listening.  Schedule recurring pulse surveys to track employee sentiment over time. This allows you to identify emerging trends, measure the impact of changes, and maintain a positive work environment.
  • SurveySparrow integrates effortlessly with popular HRIS platforms and communication tools. This allows for easy survey distribution and feedback collection within existing workflows, minimizing disruption and maximizing participation.

13. Vantage Circle

Vantage Circle

Here's what Vantage Pulse offers to boost engagement:

  • Vantage Pulse prioritizes honest feedback by guaranteeing complete anonymity. This allows employees to express their true thoughts and concerns without fear of repercussions, leading to more authentic and valuable insights for improvement.
  • Vantage Pulse goes beyond generic surveys. It offers a library of pre-built and customizable templates addressing various aspects of employee experience, from work culture and workload to manager effectiveness. This targeted approach ensures you gather actionable data to address specific needs.
  • Vantage Pulse recognizes the importance of accessibility. It provides multiple feedback channels beyond traditional surveys. Employees can share their thoughts through mobile apps, pulse surveys, and anonymous chat options, catering to diverse communication styles and maximizing participation rates.
  • Vantage Pulse isn't just about annual surveys. It allows for real-time feedback through pulse surveys. This enables you to identify emerging issues and take corrective action swiftly, maintaining a positive work environment and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Vantage Pulse empowers data-driven decision making with robust analytics tools that translate feedback into actionable insights. You can identify key drivers of engagement, prioritize improvement efforts, and measure the impact of implemented changes, ensuring a continuous cycle of improvement in employee experience.

14. Glint


Here's how Glint empowers you to cultivate a thriving workforce:

  • Glint analyzes employee sentiment through surveys and feedback loops, generating data-driven insights and recommended actions. This empowers you to identify strengths, pinpoint opportunities for improvement, and implement targeted strategies to drive positive change.
  • Glint fosters a culture of open communication by encouraging regular feedback exchange. Employees can provide and receive feedback throughout the development cycle, fostering a growth mindset and continuous improvement. Managers are equipped with tools to analyze strengths and weaknesses, and suggest specific actions to help employees excel.
  • From onboarding surveys to stay interviews and exit reviews, Glint captures valuable feedback at every touchpoint. This holistic approach allows you to address concerns proactively, improve retention rates, and create a positive work environment from day one.
  • It provides organization-wide surveys that enable you to understand overall sentiment and identify areas requiring collective focus. This fosters a sense of unity and ensures everyone is working towards shared goals.
  • Its robust analytics translate feedback into actionable insights, allowing you to measure the impact of implemented changes. This ensures your employee engagement efforts are continuously optimized for maximum impact on performance and satisfaction.

15. Workvivo


Here's why Workvivo empowers organizations to create a happier and more connected workforce:

  • Workvivo offers a modern social intranet that streamlines communication across departments and teams. Employees can share updates, collaborate on projects, and access important resources all in one centralized location. This fosters a sense of community and keeps everyone informed.
  • Workvivo goes beyond traditional top-down recognition models. It fosters a culture of appreciation by allowing employees to publicly acknowledge each other's achievements and contributions. This "shout-out" feature boosts morale, strengthens team spirit, and motivates individuals to go the extra mile.
  • It allows for sharing engaging content like videos, polls, and company announcements. Interactive features like gamification and social media-like functionalities keep employees engaged and coming back for more.
  • Workvivo goes beyond facilitating communication. It provides valuable data on employee engagement and sentiment through its analytics tools. You can identify areas requiring attention, understand user behavior within the platform, and tailor content to maximize its impact.
  • Workvivo supports you at every stage of the employee journey. From onboarding programs to feedback mechanisms, Workvivo provides tools to keep employees connected and engaged throughout their tenure. This holistic approach fosters a sense of belonging and reduces employee turnover.

Key features your employee engagement platform needs

Employer inserting a giant key in a giant lock
Key features your employee engagement platform needs

In today's competitive business landscape, retaining top talent and fostering a positive work environment are crucial for organizational success. Employee engagement platforms have emerged as powerful tools to achieve these goals.

But with a vast array of options available, selecting the right platform hinges on the specific features it offers. Here are six key functionalities to prioritize when choosing an employee engagement platform:

  1. Comprehensive feedback mechanisms: A robust platform should offer a variety of feedback channels to capture diverse employee voices. This includes traditional surveys, pulse surveys for real-time sentiment analysis, and anonymous chat options for sensitive issues. Additionally, the ability to provide and receive feedback on an ongoing basis fosters a culture of continuous improvement and open communication.
  2. Actionable analytics and data-driven decisions: Data is king! Your chosen platform should provide insightful analytics that translate employee feedback into actionable recommendations. These insights should go beyond basic metrics and delve deeper to identify key drivers of engagement, pinpoint areas for improvement, and measure the impact of implemented initiatives.
  3. Goal alignment and performance management: Alignment between individual goals and organizational objectives is fundamental for employee engagement. Look for a platform that facilitates collaborative goal setting, allowing employees to understand how their work contributes to the bigger picture.
  4. Recognition and appreciation programs: Feeling valued and appreciated is a significant motivator. Choose a platform that integrates seamlessly with recognition programs. This allows for timely and public recognition of employee achievements, fostering a culture of appreciation and boosting morale.
  5. Content management and social features: A platform brimming with engaging content can go a long way in boosting employee engagement. Look for features that allow for sharing informative and inspirational content like company announcements, videos, and polls. Interactive features like gamification and social media-like functionalities further enhance user engagement, keeping employees actively involved with the platform.
  6. Employee lifecycle management: Engagement doesn't start and stop at onboarding. An ideal platform should cater to the entire employee journey. Features like onboarding surveys, stay interviews, and exit interviews  provide valuable insights at each touchpoint. This allows you to identify potential issues proactively, address concerns before they escalate, and ultimately improve retention rates.


After exploring these 15 feature-rich Qualtrics alternatives, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by choice. But remember, the best platform isn't just about having the most bells and whistles. It's about finding a solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing workflows and empowers you to take action on the insights you gather.

Think about it this way: what if a powerful employee engagement platform offered not just in-depth surveys, real-time feedback, and actionable data, but also the expert guidance to make sense of it all? Imagine having a team of engagement specialists by your side, helping you craft the perfect surveys, interpret the results, and prioritize the most impactful changes.

While all the platforms mentioned here are strong contenders, some offer features that go beyond data collection. CultureMonkey, an employee engagement survey tool, for example, stands out with its commitment to partnering with you throughout the employee engagement journey. Their team of experts ensures you get the most out of your investment, transforming data into actionable insights that drive real change.

So, as you compare these options, keep in mind the value of a platform that empowers you to listen, understand, and act on employee feedback. After all, creating a thriving work culture requires more than just data; it requires a human touch.



Santhosh is a Sr. Content Marketer with 2+ years of experience. He loves to travel solo (though he doesn’t label them as vacations, they are) to explore, meet people, and learn new stories.