Transactional leadership: Examples leaders should know to maintain a positive culture

13 min read
Transactional leadership: Examples that leaders should know to maintain a positive culture
Transactional leadership: Examples that leaders should know to maintain a positive culture 

Picture this: You’re at a busy coffee shop, and the barista hands you your usual order without even asking. It’s efficient, direct, and gets the job done. That’s the essence of transactional leadership—focused on clear-cut tasks, goals, and rewards.

But here’s the thing: while it’s great for quick wins and keeping the wheels turning, it can feel a bit, well, impersonal. In a workplace where culture matters just as much as performance, relying solely on transactional leadership might leave your team feeling like they’re stuck in a loop, cranking out tasks without much inspiration.

As a leader, it’s crucial to strike the right balance—using transactional leadership to drive results while also nurturing a positive, engaging environment.

What is transactional leadership?

Two people taking a piece of puzzle
What is transactional leadership?

Transactional leadership is a leadership style focused on the exchange of positive and negative reinforcement between leaders and employees. It is characterized by a system of rewards and punishments to motivate employees and achieve desired outcomes.

This approach is often seen in structured environments where specific goals, tasks, and performance standards are clearly defined. Transactional leaders set clear expectations and use a reward-based system to recognize and reinforce good performance.

They provide constructive feedback and address deviations from expected performance by implementing corrective measures. A study by IJMPR showed that for every unit increase in transactional leadership style, leadership effectiveness increased by 1.329.

This leadership style emphasizes efficiency and adherence to established procedures, which can be particularly effective in organizations requiring routine and consistency. While a transactional leadership style can drive performance and ensure that tasks are completed as required, it may not foster creativity or long-term engagement among employees.

It primarily focuses on short-term tasks and immediate results rather than long-term development or transformational change. Therefore, while it ensures operational effectiveness, it might be complemented by other leadership styles to address broader organizational needs and personal development goals.

History of the transactional leadership theory

An hour glass
History of the transactional leadership theory

Transactional Leadership Theory has its roots in the early 20th century, emerging from the study of leadership and organizational behavior. It was first conceptualized by Max Weber in his exploration of authority and leadership styles, where he distinguished between different types of leadership based on their interactions with followers.

It was James MacGregor Burns in 1978 who significantly developed the theory. Burns contrasted transactional leadership with transformational leadership, highlighting that both transactional and transformational leadership focus on exchanges between leaders and followers—rewards for performance or corrective actions for non-compliance.

Further development came with Bernard Bass in the 1980s, who expanded on Burns’ work by detailing the mechanisms of transactional leadership. Bass’s research provided a more structured framework, introducing concepts of transactional leadership works such as contingent reward and management-by-exception.

Contingent reward involves leaders offering rewards for achieving specific goals, while management-by-exception involves intervening only when standards are not met.

Transactional leadership became widely recognized for its effectiveness in achieving short-term goals and maintaining order. Its emphasis on clear structure and measurable outcomes made it a valuable approach in various organizational contexts, from business to military settings.

Basic assumptions of transactional leadership

A man putting a dart through the board
Basic assumptions of transactional leadership

Transactional leadership is built on a clear exchange between leader and follower, where rewards or penalties are contingent on performance. This leadership style operates on specific assumptions that shape the leader's approach to motivation, decision-making, and employee management.

Understanding these core assumptions provides insight into how transactional leaders drive compliance and maintain organizational stability.

  • Clear expectations: This leadership style assumes that employees need clear instructions and well-defined goals to perform effectively. Leaders provide explicit guidelines and expectations to ensure that tasks are understood and completed according to predefined standards.
  • Motivation through rewards and punishments: Transactional leaders operate on the premise that motivation is largely driven by external rewards and punishments. Effective performance is reinforced through incentives, while deviations or failures are addressed with corrective actions or penalties.
  • Short-term goals and efficiency: The focus is on achieving specific, short-term goals rather than long-term development or innovation. Transactional leadership assumes that by managing tasks and performance closely, organizational efficiency and productivity can be maximized.
  • Dependence on compliance and adherence: This approach assumes that compliance with rules and procedures is crucial for organizational success. Leaders rely on a structured approach to ensure that employees adhere to established processes and standards.
  • Limited focus on individual development: Transactional leadership typically prioritizes task completion and performance over individual growth. It assumes that the primary role of leadership is to ensure that employees meet their responsibilities effectively, rather than fostering personal or professional development.

Three approaches to transactional leadership

Three paper boats
Three approaches to transactional leadership

Transactional leadership can be implemented in various ways, each tailored to manage performance and maintain control within an organization. The three primary approaches to transactional leadership offer different methods for influencing behavior, ranging from setting clear expectations to applying corrective measures.

Let's explore these approaches to reveal the flexibility within this leadership style and how it can be adapted to different organizational needs.

1. Contingent reward

This approach involves leaders setting clear expectations and providing contingent rewards, or incentives when those expectations are met. Leaders using this method focus on establishing a straightforward exchange relationship with their team members.

By linking performance to rewards, contingent reward fosters motivation and aligns individual goals with organizational objectives. It’s particularly effective in environments where tasks are routine and outcomes are easily measurable.

2. Management by exception (Active)

In this approach, leaders closely monitor their team's performance and intervene proactively when issues or deviations from standards arise. Active management by exception involves setting specific performance standards and addressing problems before they escalate.

This method helps maintain high-performance levels and prevent minor issues from becoming significant problems. It’s useful in settings where attention to detail and adherence to standards are critical.

3. Management by exception (Passive)

This variant involves leaders taking a more reactive role, intervening only when performance problems become apparent or standards are not met. Leaders using passive management by exception tend to address issues only after they have already occurred, which can lead to a more hands-off approach.

While this method allows for greater autonomy among team members, it may result in delayed problem-solving and less immediate corrective action.

What are the characteristics of transactional leaders?

A pink telephone
What are the characteristics of transactional leaders?

Transactional leaders are defined by specific traits that guide their interactions and management style. These characteristics shape how they motivate their teams, enforce rules, and achieve organizational goals. By examining the following key traits, we can better understand the effectiveness and limitations of transactional leadership in various contexts.

  • Goal-oriented: They focus on achieving specific, measurable goals and objectives. Their leadership approach centers on setting clear targets and ensuring that these goals are met through structured processes.
  • Structured approach: Transactional leaders implement well-defined systems, procedures, and rules. They provide a clear framework within which employees operate, ensuring consistency and predictability in task execution.
  • Active monitoring: These leaders closely monitor performance and progress. They regularly review work to ensure it meets established criteria and intervene when necessary to correct issues or guide employees back on track.
  • Focus on efficiency: They emphasize efficiency and adherence to established procedures. Their leadership style aims to maximize productivity and operational effectiveness through systematic management.
  • Clear communication: Transactional leaders communicate expectations and performance criteria. They ensure that employees understand their roles, responsibilities, and the standards they need to meet.

Advantages and disadvantages of transactional leadership

Two wooden blocks
Advantages and disadvantages of transactional leadership

Transactional leadership offers a structured approach to management, but its effectiveness depends largely on how and where it’s applied. The advantages and disadvantages of this leadership style can differ significantly based on the organizational context and the leader's execution.

Evaluating these pros and cons helps in determining when transactional leadership is most beneficial and where it may fall short.


  • Motivation through rewards: By linking performance to rewards, transactional leaders can effectively motivate employees to meet or exceed their goals. This reward-based system can drive high performance and foster a results-oriented culture.
  • Effective for routine tasks: In environments where tasks are repetitive and outcomes are well-defined, transactional leadership can streamline operations and ensure consistent quality. This approach helps maintain order and stability.
  • Focus on performance management: Transactional leadership’s emphasis on performance and adherence to standards makes it useful for managing and improving individual and team performance. It provides a framework for addressing issues and recognizing achievements.


  • Limited innovation: Transactional leadership may not foster creativity or innovation since it focuses on maintaining the status quo and adhering to established processes. This can be a limitation in dynamic industries that require adaptive thinking.
  • Dependence on rewards: The effectiveness of transactional leadership can diminish if employees become overly reliant on rewards. This reliance might undermine intrinsic motivation and reduce overall job satisfaction.
  • Potential for low morale: Overemphasis on performance and corrective actions can sometimes result in a negative atmosphere or low employee morale. If not balanced with supportive and developmental practices, transactional leadership might contribute to dissatisfaction or disengagement.

Differences between transactional leadership and other leadership styles

Two mismatched puzzle pieces
Differences between transactional leadership and other leadership styles

Transactional leadership stands apart from other leadership styles through its emphasis on structured exchanges and performance-based rewards. The differences between transactional leadership and other approaches, like transformational or servant leadership, highlight varying philosophies in motivating and guiding teams.

Understanding these distinctions is crucial for selecting the right leadership style for a specific organizational environment.

Focus on rewards and punishments

  • Transactional leadership: Motivates employees through a system of rewards for good performance and punishments for failures.
  • Transformational leadership: Inspires and motivates employees by creating a vision, fostering a sense of purpose, and encouraging personal growth and development.

Approach to goals

  • Transactional leadership: Emphasizes achieving specific, short-term goals through established procedures and guidelines.
  • Transformational leadership: Focuses on long-term goals, innovation, and change, encouraging employees to exceed their expectations and contribute to a broader vision.

Leadership style

  • Transactional leadership: Typically directive and managerial, concentrating on the routine and maintaining the status quo.
  • Servant leadership: Prioritizes the needs of employees, focusing on serving and supporting them to foster a collaborative and empowering environment.

Employee engagement

  • Transactional leadership: May not heavily engage employees beyond their tasks, as the primary interaction is centered around performance and compliance.
  • Charismatic leadership: Relies on the leader’s personal charm and enthusiasm to engage and inspire employees, often leading to a more emotionally driven connection.

Change management

  • Transactional leadership: Generally maintains stability and avoids significant changes, focusing on refining and optimizing existing processes.
  • Transformational leadership: Actively drives and manages change, encouraging innovation and challenging the existing status quo to achieve new possibilities.

Focus on development

  • Transactional leadership: Limited emphasis on personal development beyond what is necessary for task completion.
  • Coaching leadership: Focuses on developing employees’ skills, and providing guidance and feedback to support their professional growth and career advancement.

7 Examples of transactional leadership to know

A light bulb
7 Examples of transactional leadership to know

Transactional leadership is often best understood through real-world examples that demonstrate its principles in action. By examining seven specific instances of transactional leadership, we can see how this style manifests in different settings, providing practical insights into its application and effectiveness.

The following examples illustrate the impact of transactional leadership across various industries and organizational structures.

  1. Sales performance bonuses: A sales manager sets specific targets for their team and offers financial bonuses or other rewards for meeting or exceeding these targets. This approach reinforces high performance through tangible incentives.
  2. Employee attendance monitoring: A manager strictly monitors employee attendance and enforces consequences for unexcused absences. They may offer rewards for perfect attendance to encourage reliability and punctuality.
  3. Project deadlines and deliverables: In a project-based environment, a leader establishes clear deadlines and performance metrics. Team members who meet deadlines receive recognition or additional opportunities, while those who miss deadlines face corrective actions or additional scrutiny.
  4. Quality control checks: In a manufacturing setting, a supervisor implements strict quality control procedures. Employees are rewarded for consistently producing high-quality work and receive corrective feedback if standards are not met.
  5. Compliance with procedures: A leader in a highly regulated industry enforces adherence to safety protocols and standard operating procedures. Employees who follow these procedures correctly are acknowledged, while non-compliance results in corrective measures or retraining.
  6. Performance reviews and pay raises: In many corporate settings, performance reviews are tied to pay raises and promotions. Employees receive feedback based on their performance and are rewarded with salary increases or career advancement if they meet the established criteria.
  7. Customer service metrics: A customer service manager sets specific metrics for handling customer inquiries, such as response time and resolution rates. Employees who consistently meet or exceed these metrics receive bonuses or other forms of recognition, while those who fall short receive additional training or performance improvement plans.

When is transactional leadership the most effective?

Yellow strings tied
When is transactional leadership the most effective?

Transactional leadership proves most effective in environments where tasks are routine, well-defined, and require adherence to established procedures. This approach excels in settings where the primary focus is on achieving specific, short-term goals through clear expectations and performance metrics.

For instance, in industries like manufacturing or customer service, where precision and consistency are crucial, transactional leadership helps maintain operational efficiency and quality control by setting measurable standards and rewarding compliance.

The transactional leadership model is beneficial in situations requiring a structured framework for managing performance and accountability. When organizations face challenges such as high turnover or performance issues, this leadership style can provide the necessary clarity and direction.

Leaders can address performance gaps and reinforce desired behaviors by implementing structured reward systems and corrective actions.

This style is also effective in hierarchical organizations where roles and responsibilities are clearly delineated. In such contexts, a transactional style of leadership ensures that employees understand their specific tasks and the consequences of their performance, which can lead to improved productivity and goal achievement.

Significance of manager effectiveness survey during transactional leadership

A survey
Significance of manager effectiveness survey during transactional leadership

In a transactional leadership style, where the focus is on performance, tasks, and structured roles, understanding the effectiveness of managers is crucial for maintaining high productivity and employee satisfaction. Here are key reasons why manager effectiveness surveys are significant:

1. Measurement of performance alignment

In transactional leadership, where performance is closely tied to rewards and punishments, it is essential to measure how effectively managers are implementing these principles.

Manager effectiveness surveys help determine whether managers are successfully aligning their team's performance with organizational goals, ensuring that standards are met consistently.

2. Identification of training needs

These surveys are vital in uncovering gaps in a manager’s skill set, particularly in areas like communication, task delegation, and performance monitoring. By identifying these gaps, organizations can provide targeted training to enhance managerial efficiency, ultimately leading to better team outcomes.

3. Enhancement of employee motivation

Manager effectiveness surveys offer insights into how well managers motivate their teams using the structured rewards system inherent in transactional leadership. They help gauge employee perceptions of fairness in how managers reward high performance and manage underperformance, which is crucial for maintaining morale and productivity.

4. Improvement in managerial communication

Effective communication is a cornerstone of transactional leadership. Surveys help assess how clearly and effectively managers communicate with their teams.

By identifying communication issues, organizations can address these problems, ensuring that all team members clearly understand their roles, expectations, and the consequences of their performance. Improved communication ultimately enhances team cohesion and productivity.

5. Alignment with organizational goals

Manager effectiveness surveys are instrumental in ensuring that managers align their team's work with the broader organizational objectives. This alignment is crucial in a transactional leadership framework, where the focus is on achieving specific results.

The feedback from these surveys can help confirm whether the leadership approach fosters a culture that is in sync with the company’s strategic goals.

6. Support for performance appraisals

The data gathered from these surveys provide a robust foundation for performance appraisals, offering an objective assessment of a manager’s effectiveness. This information is invaluable for identifying managers who excel in their roles and those who may need additional support or development to meet the demands of transactional leadership.

7. Feedback on leadership style

Manager effectiveness surveys offer critical insights into how a manager’s leadership style is perceived by their team in transactional leadership, where task orientation and structured relationships are key feedback that encourages managers to reflect on their practices and make necessary adjustments to enhance team performance and satisfaction.


Transactional leadership, with its focus on clear expectations and performance-based rewards, can effectively drive productivity and maintain order in structured environments. By setting specific goals and providing feedback through structured rewards and corrective actions, this leadership style ensures alignment with organizational objectives.

However, its effectiveness can be enhanced by balancing it with other leadership approaches to foster innovation and employee engagement. To further optimize leadership practices and cultivate a positive work culture, consider leveraging tools like CultureMonkey to gather valuable feedback and drive continuous improvement in your organization.


1. What famous person is a transactional leader?

One notable transactional leader is Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. Gates is known for setting clear performance goals, implementing structured processes, and rewarding achievements within his organization. His leadership style focused on efficiency, results, and adherence to set standards, which helped Microsoft achieve significant success and become a leading technology company exemplifying the principles of transactional leadership.

2. What are the negative effects of transactional leadership?

Transactional leadership can lead to several negative effects, including reduced employee motivation if rewards are not perceived as meaningful. It may also stifle creativity and innovation, as the focus on adhering to established processes can limit employees’ willingness to take risks. Additionally, the emphasis on performance metrics and corrective actions might contribute to low morale or increased stress.

3. What best describes transactional leadership?

Transactional leadership is characterized by a focus on routine, performance-based exchanges between leaders and followers. It involves setting clear expectations, rewarding employees for meeting goals, and implementing corrective actions for performance deviations. This leadership style is effective in environments where tasks are well-defined and efficiency is critical. It emphasizes maintaining order, meeting established standards, and managing performance.

4. How is Steve Jobs a transactional leader?

Steve Jobs demonstrated aspects of transactional leadership through his focus on achieving specific performance targets and maintaining high standards at Apple. Jobs was known for setting clear expectations and rigorously evaluating performance against these benchmarks. He implemented strict controls and provided feedback based on results, which helped drive innovation and excellence in product development.



Abhinaya is a Content Marketing Associate with a passion for creative writing and literature. She immerses herself in books and enjoys binge-watching her favorite sitcoms.