Zappos company culture: What can be learned from a happiness-driven culture

7 min read
Zappos company culture: What could you learn from a culture that delivers happiness to its employees?
Zappos company culture: What can be learned from a happiness-driven culture

Zappos, a leading online shoe and clothing retailer, is renowned not only for its vast product selection but also for its exceptional company culture. Founded in 1999, Zappos has become a household name, thanks in large part to its unique workplace environment.

The company's culture emphasizes happiness, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement, creating a thriving ecosystem that fosters innovation and growth. As Maya Angelou once said, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

This quote encapsulates Zappos' philosophy of prioritizing emotional well-being, which not only creates lasting positive impressions on employees and customers but also drives the company's continued success.

In this blog post, we'll delve into the intricacies of Zappos' company culture, exploring its history, principles, leadership style, and more.

History of Zappos company culture

Zappos' journey as an online shoe retailer started with a clear mission: to deliver happiness through exceptional customer service. Tony Hsieh, the visionary former CEO, played a crucial role in shaping the company's unique culture, centered around core values that prioritize both employees and customers.

Zappos fosters a work environment that values open and honest relationships, creating a positive team and family spirit.

The company's core values, such as "Deliver WOW Through Service," "Embrace and Drive Change," "Create Fun and a Little Weirdness," and "Pursue Growth and Learning," are not just statements but guiding principles.

These values encourage employees to be open-minded and passionate, fostering a culture of innovation and engagement. By prioritizing these elements, Zappos has established itself as a service company that consistently delivers happiness to its customers and employees alike.

Importance of company culture at Zappos

For Zappos, company culture isn't just a buzzword; it's the foundation of their successful business strategy. Throughout the company's history, CEO Tony Hsieh emphasized core values such as "Deliver WOW Through Service," "Embrace and Drive Change," and "Create Fun and a Little Weirdness." These values shape the unique company culture that defines the entire organization.

Zappos encourages employees to be adventurous, creative, and open-minded, fostering a culture that pursues growth and learning. The Zappos team focuses on excellent customer service, building strong communication with customers and business partners.

As a service company, Zappos continues to deliver happiness and offer more clothing styles, setting them apart from most companies. This focus on culture has cemented Zappos' reputation as a company that values both employee and customer satisfaction.

10 Principles of Zappos company culture

A lifeguard hut beach
10 Principles of Zappos company culture

The company’s culture isn’t just an HR initiative; it’s a deeply ingrained philosophy that drives everything they do. Below are the ten core principles that shape Zappos’ culture, making it a place where employees thrive and the brand excels.

  1. Deliver WOW through service: Zappos goes beyond customer expectations to create unforgettable experiences, ensuring a strong emphasis on exceptional service.
  2. Embrace and drive change: The company encourages adaptability and innovation, welcoming new ideas and reimagining ways to improve.
  3. Create fun and a little weirdness: Zappos believes in fostering a fun and unique work environment that encourages creativity and individuality, including activities like talent shows and happy hours.
  4. Be adventurous, creative, and open-minded: Employees are encouraged to take risks and think outside the box, promoting a culture of innovation.
  5. Pursue growth and learning: Continuous improvement is a core focus, with an emphasis on personal and professional development for all employees.
  6. Build open and honest relationships with communication: Transparency and trust are crucial, with a strong emphasis on clear and honest communication within the team and with business partners.
  7. Build a positive team and family spirit: Zappos promotes a sense of community and support, fostering a positive and collaborative team environment.
  8. Do more with less: Efficiency and resourcefulness are encouraged, promoting smart and sustainable business practices.
  9. Be passionate and determined: A commitment to excellence drives the company forward, with employees encouraged to be passionate about their work.
  10. Be humble: Despite their success and recognition, Zappos values humility and respect, ensuring that everyone remains grounded and approachable.

How Zappos reinforces its company culture?

Zappos culture thrives on core values that go beyond just words, fostering a unique environment where employees are encouraged to exceed customer expectations.

As a service company, Zappos emphasizes open-mindedness to pursue growth and continuous learning. Initiatives like volunteer opportunities and conference rooms named after values remind employees of Zappos' purpose.

Key elements such as building honest relationships with communication and a focus on transparency are paramount. This approach has contributed to Zappos' annual revenue growth, as highlighted in the New York Times bestseller, "Delivering Happiness."

The company's business practices, including rigorous hiring, team-building activities, and work-life balance, have set a standard for companies, creating a wow factor that freelance writers and others admire.

What is the leadership style of Zappos?

Chess pieces
What is the leadership style of Zappos?

Zappos' leadership style, rooted in core values, emphasizes servant leadership, where leaders prioritize the needs of their team members. This approach encourages employees to be open-minded, pursue growth, and actively participate in driving change and creating fun.

Leaders at Zappos, including former CEO Tony Hsieh, are known for their approachable demeanor, fostering communication, and building a positive team.

They mentor new employees and new hires, guiding them through the company's unique culture and promoting personal and professional development. This leadership style not only empowers employees but also serves as a model for companies, inspiring freelance writers and others to appreciate how much Zappos values its people.

What are the goals of Zappos company culture?

The primary goals of Zappos' company culture revolve around core values that aim to create a happy and engaged workforce while delivering exceptional customer service.

By encouraging employees to be open-minded and pursue growth, Zappos fosters an environment where innovation thrives. The company emphasizes how much it values building strong communication and a positive team spirit.

Initiatives to drive change and create fun are integral, ensuring that learning and personal development are central to their approach. Zappos’ culture is designed to build a productive work environment, foster loyalty, and contribute positively to the community, setting a benchmark for companies and inspiring freelance writers alike.

Holacracy and self-management: How is this intertwined in Zappos’ culture?

In 2014, Zappos adopted Holacracy, a self-management system that replaces traditional hierarchical structures with a decentralized organizational model.

Under Holacracy, employees are given the autonomy to make decisions and take on multiple roles, fostering a sense of ownership and accountability. This system aligns with Zappos' emphasis on innovation and adaptability, allowing the company to respond quickly to changes in the market.

While Holacracy has had its challenges, it has also empowered employees to take initiative and contribute to the company's success.

Zappos’ key to employee engagement and retention

A man holding a key
Zappos’ key to employee engagement and retention

Zappos' key to employee engagement and retention is its steadfast commitment to creating a supportive and fulfilling work environment. By integrating core values like “Drive Change and Create Fun” and “Pursue Growth,” Zappos fosters an open-minded culture where employees are encouraged to learn and build open communication.

The company’s focus on transparency, work-life balance, and comprehensive benefits ensures high job satisfaction. Zappos also provides competitive salaries and opportunities for professional development, contributing to a positive team atmosphere.

This commitment to employee well-being and fun makes Zappos an attractive workplace, helping them retain top talent and maintain a motivated workforce. For freelance writers and other companies, Zappos’ approach offers valuable insights into enhancing employee engagement and creating a vibrant company culture.

25 Things to learn from Zappos company culture and incorporate in your organization

Zappos is renowned for its exceptional company culture, which prioritizes employee happiness, customer satisfaction, and a strong sense of community. By studying Zappos’ approach, organizations can gain valuable insights into creating a positive, engaging, and successful workplace.

  1. Prioritize employee happiness: Happy employees lead to happy customers.
  2. Foster open communication: Encourage transparency at all levels.
  3. Create a fun work environment: A little humor goes a long way.
  4. Encourage risk-taking: Innovation requires a willingness to fail.
  5. Promote continuous learning: Invest in employee development.
  6. Embrace change: Adaptability is key to staying competitive.
  7. Build strong relationships: Trust and respect are essential.
  8. Value individuality: Celebrate unique perspectives and talents.
  9. Lead with humility: Stay grounded and approachable.
  10. Focus on customer service: Go above and beyond for your customers.
  11. Offer flexibility: Allow employees to manage their schedules.
  12. Recognize achievements: Celebrate successes, big and small.
  13. Encourage teamwork: Collaboration leads to better results.
  14. Maintain work-life balance: Prevent burnout and promote well-being.
  15. Promote sustainability: Implement eco-friendly practices.
  16. Empower employees: Give them the autonomy to make decisions.
  17. Provide clear goals: Ensure everyone knows the company's objectives.
  18. Invest in technology: Leverage tools to enhance efficiency.
  19. Cultivate a positive attitude: Positivity breeds success.
  20. Be transparent: Share information openly with your team.
  21. Encourage feedback: Use it as a tool for improvement.
  22. Support community involvement: Encourage employees to give back.
  23. Focus on personal growth: Help employees achieve their goals.
  24. Build a strong Brand: Your culture is part of your brand identity.
  25. Stay true to your values: Consistency builds trust and loyalty.


Zappos' company culture exemplifies how a positive work environment drives business success. By embedding core values like “Drive Change and Create Fun” and “Pursue Growth,” Zappos fosters an open-minded, innovative atmosphere. Encouraging employees to learn and build open communication helps create a positive team dynamic.

This approach not only enhances employee happiness but also ensures exceptional customer service and ongoing innovation. For companies seeking to emulate Zappos’ success, platforms like CultureMonkey can be instrumental.

CultureMonkey’s employee retention software tool help build and measure a positive work environment by facilitating feedback, recognizing achievements, and enhancing communication.

This supports the creation of a productive and satisfied workforce, echoing the principles that have made Zappos a global leader in workplace culture.



Abhinaya is a Content Marketing Associate with a passion for creative writing and literature. She immerses herself in books and enjoys binge-watching her favorite sitcoms.