What is a 90-day employee survey: Benefits, Best practices, and top questions to ask in 2024

Kailash Ganesh
15 min read
What is a 90-day employee survey: Benefits, Best practices, and top questions to ask in 2024
What is a 90-day employee survey: Benefits, Best practices, and top questions to ask in 2024

Embarking on a journey of exceptional employee engagement often begins with a powerful compass—the 90-day new hire employee survey. It's a tool that is more than a mere questionnaire; it's your backstage pass into the hearts and minds of your newest employees and team members.

In this fast-paced era, where first impressions wield significant influence, a clear understanding of the pulse of your employees within the first 90 days is akin to unlocking the key to long-term success.

Join us as we explore the nuances of this invaluable tool, delving into its objectives, benefits, and the art of crafting questions that resonate in the ever-evolving landscape of 2024.

Get ready to revolutionize your smooth onboarding process and create a workplace where new hires not only survive but thrive. Welcome to the 90-day employee survey revolution!

What is a 90-day new hire employee survey?

HR hiring new employees
What is a 90-day new hire employee survey?

In essence, the 90-day new hire employee survey is your backstage pass to understanding the onboarding journey. It's the compass guiding you through the uncharted waters of the initial three months, seeking to decode the employee experience.

Beyond being a routine check-in, this survey is a strategic tool designed to unearth valuable insights, ensuring your new team members feel seen, heard, and equipped for success.

Imagine it as a personalized roadmap, helping you navigate the critical early days of employment. By leveraging a mix of qualitative and quantitative questions, this survey goes beyond surface-level inquiries, diving into the intricacies of a new hire's integration. It's not just about asking; it's about listening and adapting your approach to foster an environment where employees thrive.

In an era where talent retention is paramount, the periodic employee survey is a proactive step toward understanding the unique needs, expectations, and challenges faced by new hires.

It's not merely a formality but a strategic initiative that sets the stage for long-term engagement and organizational success. Stay with us as we uncover the rich tapestry of benefits woven into this insightful tool and explore how it can redefine your approach to onboarding in 2024.

What are the objectives of the 90-day employee survey?

What are the objectives of the 90-day employee survey?
What are the objectives of the 90-day employee survey?

Embarking on the journey of the 90-day employee onboarding survey is akin to fitting a lens to unveil the intricate details of your onboarding process. It's not just about asking questions; it's about seeking revelations that can transform how organizations approach the critical initial phase of employee integration.

Let's delve into the core objectives guiding this survey, each one serving as a crucial piece of the puzzle that forms a seamless onboarding experience.

Insightful onboarding evaluation

At the heart of the survey is a profound quest for understanding. It's about unraveling the narrative of the onboarding journey, not just from a logistical standpoint but from the emotional and experiential perspectives. By posing questions that delve into the new hire's journey, organizations can gain insights into the effectiveness of their onboarding programs.

Are the expectations of the onboarding program met? Are there gaps that need addressing? This objective sets the foundation for refining onboarding processes, ensuring they align with the evolving needs of the workforce.

Identifying pain points and success factors

Think of this objective as shining a spotlight on the peaks and valleys of the onboarding landscape. Beyond merely knowing that onboarding can be challenging, the survey seeks to identify specific pain points that might impede a new hire's smooth integration.

Perhaps it's a lack of clarity in communication, the absence of essential resources, or a disconnect with team dynamics.

Simultaneously, it endeavors to spotlight success factors—those moments where the onboarding process shines. Understanding these dynamics empowers organizations to amplify what works and implement targeted interventions to alleviate pain points, creating an onboarding experience that is not just efficient but also enjoyable.

Enhancing employee engagement

Beyond the paperwork and training modules, the survey aims to cultivate a profound sense of belonging. It's a tool to gauge how connected and engaged new hires feel with the organization's ethos.

By asking questions that touch on the emotional aspects of onboarding—how welcomed and valued a new employee feels—the survey becomes a catalyst for fostering a positive workplace culture.

This objective, in essence, seeks to bridge the gap between being a newcomer and becoming an integral part of the organizational fabric, enhancing overall employee satisfaction and commitment.

Tailoring support and resources

Recognizing that one size doesn't fit all, the survey enables the customization of support. Beyond generic onboarding resources, it aims to understand individual needs and challenges.

For instance, does a new hire require additional training in specific areas? Would mentorship significantly contribute to their acclimatization?

By uncovering these individual nuances, organizations can tailor their support mechanisms, ensuring that new hires receive the right resources at the right time. This not only accelerates the integration process but also communicates a personalized commitment to the success of each employee.

Predicting and mitigating turnover

Anticipation is the key to retention. This objective involves identifying potential turnover triggers within the initial days. By understanding the factors that may lead to dissatisfaction or disengagement, organizations can take proactive measures to address these issues.

It's about building a workplace environment where challenges are acknowledged and swiftly resolved, creating a culture where employees are not just retained but actively contribute to the company's success. This objective, therefore, becomes a strategic initiative for long-term talent management.

As we unravel the objectives of the employee survey, it becomes evident that this isn't merely about data collection; it's a strategic initiative aimed at shaping an onboarding experience that transcends the ordinary.

Stay with us as we journey deeper into the benefits arising from these objectives, reshaping the onboarding landscape for both employees and organizations alike.

Benefits of conducting a 90-day employee survey for your new hires

Employees are building giant blocks in the workplace
Benefits of conducting a 90-day employee survey for your new hires

Stepping into the shoes of your new hires can be transformative, and that's precisely what the employee survey achieves. It's not just a feedback mechanism; it's a gateway to a myriad of benefits that can reshape the onboarding experience.

Let's explore why investing in this survey isn't just a good practice—it's a strategic imperative.

Enhanced employee satisfaction and morale

The survey acts as a direct line to understanding the pulse of your new hires. By addressing concerns and acknowledging achievements within the critical first 90 days, organizations can boost overall satisfaction and morale.

Imagine the impact of a workplace where new employees can feel heard and valued right from the start.

Increased retention rates

Uncovering the reasons behind early turnover is a powerful tool for preventing it. The survey helps identify potential issues leading to dissatisfaction or disengagement, allowing organizations to implement targeted interventions.

The result? A workforce that is more likely to stay, reducing recruitment costs and fostering a stable, committed team.

Refined onboarding processes

Armed with insights into the onboarding journey, organizations can identify areas they can fine-tune their processes.

Whether it's streamlining paperwork, adjusting training modules, or enhancing communication channels, the survey serves as a guide for continuous improvement, ensuring that each new hire's experience is progressively better.

Strategic talent management

The survey isn't just about the present; it's a glimpse into the future of your workforce. Understanding the expectations, aspirations, and challenges of new hires allows for strategic talent management.

It empowers organizations to align individual goals with broader organizational objectives, creating a symbiotic relationship that fosters long-term success.

Cultivation of a positive workplace culture

When employees feel their voices matter, a positive workplace culture naturally flourishes.

The survey contributes to an environment where open communication is encouraged, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. This cultural shift catalyzes innovation, creativity, and sustained employee engagement.

In the dynamic landscape of talent management, the benefits of the 90-day employee survey extend far beyond the initial onboarding phase.

It's a strategic investment that pays dividends in employee satisfaction, retention, and the overall health of an organization's culture.

Common reasons why employees quit in the first 90 days

Employee running towards the exit door
Common reasons why employees quit in the first 90 days

Understanding the pitfalls that lead to early exits is as crucial as building a robust onboarding process. The first 90 days are a critical window, and pinpointing reasons for early departures is the first step toward creating an environment where new hires not only stay but thrive.

Let's uncover the common threads that often prompt employees to bid farewell to new job prematurely.

Mismatched expectations

Misalignments between a new hire's expectations and the actual job reality can be a significant source of discontent. Whether it's the nature of the work, team dynamics, or company's culture, ensuring transparency during the recruitment process becomes pivotal in managing expectations.

Inadequate onboarding

A lackluster onboarding experience can leave new hires feeling adrift. If the initial training is insufficient, or if there's a lack of clarity about their roles and job responsibilities, employees may question their decision to join, paving the way for early exits.

Limited integration and support

Feeling isolated or unsupported is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Without proper integration into the team or mentorship, new employees may struggle to navigate the organizational landscape. This lack of connection often leads to a sense of detachment and, eventually, departure.

Unclear advancement opportunities

Ambitious employees seek career growth. If the path for career advancement is unclear or if there are no tangible professional development opportunities communicated early on, new employees may perceive a lack of long-term potential and seek opportunities elsewhere.

Poor cultural fit

Culture transcends the realm of mere buzzwords; it stands as a cornerstone in the realm of employee satisfaction. During the initial 90 days of onboarding, the significance of cultural fit becomes undeniably pronounced.

When new employees perceive a misalignment with the company's values or work culture, it sets the stage for a dissonance that resonates beyond mere dissatisfaction—it becomes a pivotal factor in their commitment to the organization.

Within this cultural landscape exploration, the early days become a critical period for new employees. The resonance between the organizational culture and their personal values and professional outlook creates a profound sense of belonging and purpose. Conversely, a poor cultural fit introduces feelings of alienation and disconnect.

This dissonance is not merely a fleeting discomfort; it acts as a catalyst for reconsideration. When a new hire feels at odds with the prevailing culture, the commitment they envisioned might falter.

The initial enthusiasm wanes, replaced by a sense of unease that prompts a critical reassessment of their place within the organization.

The consequences for commitment are profound. Commitment is a cornerstone of employee retention, and when cultural misalignment persists, commitment falters.

Recognizing these common reasons for early exits is the first step toward fortifying your onboarding process.

90-Day employee survey best practices

Employee is having a conversation with HR
90-Day employee survey best practices

Crafting an effective employee survey goes beyond just posing questions; it's an art and science aimed at extracting meaningful insights. As we venture into the best practices of conducting this survey, imagine it as a carefully choreographed dance that ensures your new hires feel heard and valued.

Let's explore the steps that transform a survey from a routine exercise into a dynamic tool that shapes a positive onboarding experience.

Timely timing

Consider the rhythm of your onboarding survey questions. Timing is crucial—administer it not too early to overwhelm new hires nor too late that their initial experiences fade. Find the sweet spot where employees have settled but the memory of their onboarding journey is still vivid.

Balanced blend of questions

Crafting questions requires finesse. Strike a balance between qualitative and quantitative queries. While quantitative data provides measurable insights, qualitative responses offer a nuanced understanding of a new hire's experience. It's this combination that paints a comprehensive picture.

Anonymous avenue for honesty

Create an environment where honesty thrives. Anonymity encourages candid responses, allowing employees to express themselves without fear of repercussion. This opens the door to genuine feedback, fostering an atmosphere of trust between employees and the organization.

Continuous improvement loop

Treat the survey as a living document, not a one-time event. Establish a feedback loop where survey results lead to tangible actions. Continuous improvement is the heartbeat of a successful survey, ensuring that the onboarding process evolves in tandem with the employee's performance and needs.

Customization to company culture

There's no one-size-fits-all in surveys or company cultures. Tailor your survey questions to align with your organization's unique values and dynamics. This ensures that the insights gained are not only relevant but also contribute to the enhancement of your specific work environment.

Clear communication of intent

Transparency is key. Clearly communicate the purpose of the survey to new hires. Let them know that their feedback matters and provide feedback will be used to shape a better workplace. This transparency fosters a sense of inclusion and reinforces the idea that the organization is invested in their experiences.

Engagement beyond the survey

The survey isn't a standalone event; it's part of a broader engagement strategy. Encourage ongoing communication and check-ins beyond the survey period. This continuous engagement demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and reinforces the organization's dedication to its workforce.

Embarking on the journey of an employee survey and onboarding plan is a strategic move, and following these best practices ensures it's a journey well navigated.

As we move forward, let's explore the top questions to ask in 2024, transforming your survey into a dynamic tool that not only captures insights but actively contributes to the evolution of your onboarding processes.

90-Day employee survey questionnaire you should ask in 2024

90-day employee survey questionnaire you should ask in 2024
90-Day employee survey questionnaire you should ask in 2024

The landscape of work is ever-evolving, and so should the questions we ask in our onboarding survey questionnaire. As we step into 2024, let's tailor our inquiries to resonate with the pulse of the contemporary workforce.

The questions in this survey are designed to uncover insights that reflect the nuanced realities of today's professional journey.

Inclusivity and diversity

  • How would you rate the inclusivity and diversity efforts within the organization during your first 90 days?
  • Can you provide examples of instances where you felt the organization actively promoted a diverse and inclusive workplace culture?

Remote work experience

  • To what extent did the organization support your remote work setup during the initial 90 days?
  • Were there any challenges or successes specific to your remote onboarding experience that you would like to share?

Technology and tools

  • How effective were the technological tools provided for your job tasks during the onboarding period?
  • Did you receive adequate training and support to navigate the organization's digital platforms?

Work-life balance

  • How would you rate the organization's efforts in promoting a healthy work-life balance during your first 90 days?
  • Were there any specific initiatives or policies that positively impacted your work-life balance?

Feedback and recognition

  • Did you receive constructive feedback on your performance within the initial 90 days?
  • How would you describe the organization's approach to recognizing and celebrating achievements during this period?

Adaptability and flexibility

  • In what ways did the organization demonstrate adaptability and flexibility in response to unforeseen challenges or changes?
  • Were there instances where you felt the organization could improve its adaptability to changing circumstances?

Mentorship and support

  • Were you provided with a mentor or support system during your onboarding journey?
  • How impactful was mentorship in helping you navigate your initial experiences within the organization?

Asking the right questions in your onboarding survey questionnaire is the key to unlocking meaningful insights. In our journey through the 90-day employee survey, these tailored questions for 2024 ensure that we capture the essence of a workplace in constant flux.

How to make the best use of your 90-day employee survey results?

Employers are analyzing the recent survey data
How to make the best use of your 90-day employee survey results?

Once you've gathered a treasure trove of insights through your onboarding survey questionnaire, that’s when the real magic happens when you transform those findings into actionable strategies.

Let's explore how to not just collect data but leverage it to enhance your employee onboarding processes and create a workplace that thrives.

Thorough analysis and data interpretation

  • Begin by conducting a meticulous analysis of the survey results. Look beyond numerical scores; delve into the qualitative responses to understand the nuances of your new hires' experiences.
  • Identify patterns, recurring themes, and outliers that offer a comprehensive view of the onboarding landscape.

Feedback loop implementation

  • Establish a feedback loop that ensures survey results translate into tangible actions. Communicate the key takeaways to relevant stakeholders and teams.
  • Showcase instances where the survey led to positive changes, reinforcing the connection between employee feedback and organizational improvements.

Prioritize key areas for improvement

  • Not all feedback requires equal attention. Prioritize key areas for improvement based on the impact they can have on the overall onboarding experience.
  • Address low-hanging fruits swiftly while strategizing long-term solutions for more complex issues.
  • Customized training and development programs
  • Tailor training and development programs based on the identified needs. If specific skills or knowledge gaps are highlighted, design targeted interventions to address them.
  • Leverage the survey data to create a customized onboarding curriculum that aligns with the expectations and aspirations of new hires.

Recognition and rewards for positive feedback

  • Acknowledge and celebrate positive feedback received through the survey. Recognize teams or individuals who contributed to a positive onboarding experience.
  • This not only boosts morale but also reinforces behaviors that align with the organization's desired culture.

Open communication channels

  • Foster open communication by sharing a summary of survey results with the entire organization. This transparency builds trust and showcases the organization's commitment to continuous improvement.
  • Encourage dialogue around the findings, inviting employees to share additional insights or suggestions for improvement.

Iterative process

  • Recognize that the journey doesn't end with one survey cycle. Use the insights gained to iterate on your onboarding processes continuously.
  • Incorporate feedback loops into regular intervals, ensuring that your onboarding strategies evolve in response to changing organizational dynamics and employee expectations.

The onboarding survey questionnaire is a dynamic process that drives positive change. By effectively utilizing the survey results, you're not just collecting feedback but actively shaping an onboarding experience that resonates with your new hires.

Role of an employee life cycle management software in conducting 90-day employee surveys

Role of an employee life cycle management software in conducting 90-day employee surveys
Role of an employee life cycle management software in conducting 90-day employee surveys

In the era of digital transformation, employee life cycle management software emerges as a strategic ally, especially when navigating the intricacies of a 90-day employee survey.

This software, designed to streamline and enhance various stages of an employee's journey, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating the survey process, from administration to analysis.

Let's delve into the multifaceted ways in which employee life cycle management software elevates the effectiveness of your 90-day surveys.

Efficient survey deployment

  • Employee life cycle management software simplifies the logistics of survey deployment. With automated systems, surveys can be effortlessly distributed to new hires at the right juncture within the onboarding timeline.
  • This ensures timely feedback without overwhelming employees, contributing to a smoother survey experience.

Centralized data collection and storage

Customizable survey modules

  • Tailoring your survey to the unique needs of your organization is crucial. Employee life cycle management software often offers customizable survey modules, allowing you to design questions that align with your specific onboarding goals.
  • This flexibility ensures that your survey is not a generic template but a finely tuned instrument crafted for your organizational nuances.

Real-time analytics and reporting

  • The ability to generate real-time analytics is a game-changer. Employee life cycle management software processes survey data instantly, offering dynamic insights into the onboarding experience.
  • Real-time reporting empowers organizations to identify trends promptly, enabling swift responses to emerging issues and the celebration of successes.

Integration with onboarding workflows

  • Seamless integration with onboarding workflows is a hallmark of effective employee life cycle management software. Surveys are seamlessly woven into the onboarding process, ensuring that they become a natural and integrated component.
  • This integration fosters a user-friendly experience for both administrators and new hires, promoting higher participation rates.

Automated feedback loops:

  • The software facilitates automated feedback loops by triggering responses based on survey results. Positive feedback can prompt instant recognition or encouragement, while concerning trends can trigger predefined workflows for issue resolution.
  • This proactive approach ensures that the survey is not just a data collection exercise but a catalyst for immediate and targeted actions.

Security and compliance:

  • Employee life cycle management software prioritizes security and compliance. Given the sensitive nature of survey data, these platforms adhere to data protection regulations, ensuring the confidentiality and privacy of employee responses.
  • This commitment to security builds trust among employees, encouraging candid and honest feedback.


As we journeyed through the intricacies of our onboarding surveys, crafting an insightful questionnaire, exploring best practices, and uncovering the transformative role of employee life cycle management software, one truth became evident: the onboarding experience is not a mere formality but a strategic opportunity.

By embracing the art of asking the right questions, organizations can unravel the intricacies of their new hires' journeys, fostering a workplace culture that values transparency, inclusivity, and continuous improvement.

The best practices we've explored act as a compass, guiding organizations toward a refined onboarding process that adapts to the evolving needs of the workforce.

The 90-day employee survey is not a solitary endeavor but a catalyst for positive change.

Leveraging the survey results is where the real alchemy happens—transforming insights into actionable strategies, refining onboarding processes, and sculpting a workplace where employees not only survive their first 90 days but thrive in a culture that resonates with their aspirations.

Ready to embark on a culture revolution? Elevate your workplace with CultureMonkey—a platform designed to nurture a positive workplace culture through real-time employee feedback, recognition, and actionable insights.

Transform your organization into a thriving ecosystem where employee voices shape success. Join CultureMonkey and amplify the heartbeat of your workplace culture! Explore CultureMonkey.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.