What is a candidate experience survey: Best practices & top questions to ask in 2024

11 min read
What is a candidate experience survey: Best practices & top questions to ask in 2024
What is a candidate experience survey: Best practices & top questions to ask in 2024

Attracting top performers isn't just about offering lucrative salaries—It's about crafting a positive candidate experience, the journey applicants take from job discovery to potential hire.

But how do you know if your process is leaving a lasting, positive impression behind? Enter the candidate experience survey, a powerful tool to gather invaluable insights directly from those who matter most - your potential employees.

This blog delves into the world of candidate experience surveys, unveiling their purpose and guiding you through best practices for crafting effective questionnaires.

By understanding what resonates with candidates, you can refine your hiring process, attract top talent, and build a strong employer brand.

So, buckle up and get ready to embark on a journey of transformation. Let's unlock the secrets of candidate experience surveys and create a recruitment process that wows every applicant and ensures the career site answers most of their questions.

What is candidate experience?

Employees are welcoming a new employee
What is candidate experience?

Candidate experience refers to the overall perception and interaction that job seekers have with an organization's recruitment and hiring process. It encompasses every touchpoint and interaction a recruiter and candidate has, from the initial job application to the final stages of the hiring process.

The goal of a positive candidate experience is to attract and retain top talent while promoting the employer brand.

The key elements of candidate experience include:

  • Job application process: The ease and user-friendliness of the application process play a significant role. Complicated or lengthy application forms can discourage potential candidates.
  • Communication: Timely and transparent communication is crucial. Candidates appreciate updates on their application status and information about the next steps in the hiring process.
  • Interview process: The interview experience, including the scheduling process, the behavior of interviewers, and the clarity of the interview format, can impact a candidate's perception.
  • Feedback: Providing constructive feedback, especially in cases where a candidate is not selected, can contribute to a positive experience. This helps candidates understand areas for improvement and shows that the organization values their effort.
  • Technology and tools: The use of modern and efficient recruitment technologies can enhance the overall experience, from online application systems to video interviews.
  • Employer branding: A positive candidate experience can contribute to a strong employer brand. Word-of-mouth and online reviews from candidates can influence how the organization is perceived by future applicants.
  • Onboarding process: While not directly part of the hiring process, the onboarding experience is crucial for the overall candidate journey. A smooth transition into the organization helps new employees feel welcomed and valued.

What is the ideal candidate experience?

Employees are holding a welcome banner for new employee
What is the ideal candidate experience?

The ideal candidate experience revolves around creating a seamless and positive journey for job seekers throughout the entire recruitment process.

It begins with a straightforward and user-friendly application process, where candidates can easily submit their information and express their interest in a position.

Clear and timely communication is paramount; qualified candidates will appreciate updates on the status of their applications and detailed information about the next steps in the hiring process.

During interviews, the ideal candidate experience involves respectful and professional interactions. Interviewers should be well-prepared, conveying a genuine interest in the candidate while providing a transparent overview of the company culture and expectations.

Technology also plays a crucial role, with modern tools facilitating a smooth and efficient process. A well-designed and intuitive online interface, combined with innovative recruitment technologies, enhances the overall experience.

The ideal candidate experience extends beyond the hiring decision; a thoughtful onboarding process ensures a seamless transition for successful candidates, making them feel valued and integrated into the company culture.

Ultimately, organizations that prioritize these elements not only attract top talent but also cultivate a positive employer brand, fostering long-term relationships with candidates and contributing to a strong reputation in the competitive job market.

What is the importance of measuring candidate experience?

HR is talking with a new candidate
What is the importance of measuring candidate experience?

Measuring candidate experience is essential for several reasons, playing a crucial role in shaping an organization's approach to recruitment and talent acquisition.

Firstly, it provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of the hiring process, allowing companies to identify areas for improvement.

By gathering feedback on various stages, from the application process to interviews and onboarding, organizations can pinpoint pain points and streamline their procedures, enhancing overall efficiency.

Additionally, candidate experience measurement contributes to the enhancement of employer branding. Job seekers often share their experiences online and through word-of-mouth, influencing the perception of the company in the broader talent market.

Positive candidate experiences can serve as powerful endorsements, attracting top talent and reinforcing a favorable employer brand. Conversely, negative experiences of rejected candidates can have detrimental effects, deterring potential candidates and damaging the organization's reputation.

Measuring candidate experience also aligns with the broader trend of treating candidates as stakeholders. It demonstrates a commitment to transparency and respect for individuals investing time and effort in the application process.

Monitoring candidate satisfaction and feedback helps organizations stay responsive to evolving expectations, ensuring that their recruitment strategies remain competitive and candidate-centric.

How do you measure candidate experience?

Employee is standing next to a huge laptop
How do you measure candidate experience?

Measuring candidate experience involves a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to gather feedback at various stages of the recruitment process. Here are several common approaches:

  • Surveys: Use post-application and post-interview surveys to collect quantitative data on candidates' experiences. Include questions about the application process, communication, interview experience, and overall satisfaction. Analyzing survey responses provides quantitative insights into specific aspects of the candidate's journey.
  • Interview Feedback: Gather input from interviewers to assess the candidate's performance and professionalism. This can provide insights into the effectiveness of the interview process and the alignment of job applicants with the company's needs.
  • Application process analytics: Utilize data analytics tools to track metrics related to the application process. Monitor metrics such as application completion rates, drop-off points in the application funnel, and time-to-fill to identify areas for improvement.
  • Social media monitoring: Keep an eye on social media platforms, review sites, and online forums where candidates share their experiences. Monitoring online conversations provides qualitative feedback and helps in understanding the broader perception of the company in the job market.
  • Candidate journey mapping: Create a visual representation of the candidate journey, detailing each touchpoint and interaction. This method helps identify pain points, areas of improvement, and opportunities to enhance the overall experience.
  • Exit interviews: Conduct exit interviews with candidates who were not selected for the position. This feedback can provide valuable insights into why candidates chose not to continue with the process and may highlight areas for improvement.
  • Offer acceptance and decline data: Analyze data related to offer acceptance and decline rates. Understanding why candidates accept or decline offers can provide insights into the attractiveness of the organization and the effectiveness of the recruitment process.

What is a candidate experience survey?

Employee is standing next to a huge survey clipboard
What is a candidate experience survey?

A candidate experience survey is a structured tool designed to gather feedback from individuals who have gone through a company's recruiting process.

Typically administered post-application or post-interview, these surveys aim to capture candidates' perceptions and sentiments regarding their interactions with the organization.

The survey often includes a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions, assessing elements such as the application process, communication effectiveness, interview experience, and overall satisfaction.

Through targeted inquiries, these surveys provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the hiring process, helping organizations identify areas for improvement.

The feedback collected enables companies to refine their recruitment strategies, enhance the candidate journey, and build a positive employer brand by demonstrating a commitment to transparency and continuous improvement of the hiring team.

10 Candidate experience survey best practices to know in 2024

HRs are reviewing the recent metrics
10 Candidate experience survey best practices to know in 2024

These best practices aim to create a candidate experience survey process that is efficient, insightful, and responsive to candidates' perspectives, contributing to a positive employer brand and attracting top talent.

1. Timeliness

Administer surveys promptly after significant candidate interactions, such as completing an application or participating in an interview, to capture valuable feedback, while experiences are fresh in candidates' minds.

2. Short and focused

Keep surveys concise and focused to encourage higher response rates. Target specific aspects of the candidate journey, such as the application process, communication, and interview experience.

3. Multi-channel distribution

Utilize various survey distribution channels, including email, online platforms, and mobile devices, to reach candidates through their preferred communication methods.

4. Anonymous feedback

Ensure that candidates feel comfortable providing honest feedback by offering the option of anonymous responses. This fosters candid insights that can be crucial for improvement.

5. Clear and accessible language

Use clear, simple language in survey questions to ensure candidates easily understand and accurately respond. Avoid jargon or complex terminology.

6. Mix of rating scales and open-ended questions

Combine quantitative rating scales for quick insights with open-ended questions to gather detailed qualitative feedback, offering a more comprehensive understanding of candidate experiences.

7. Regular assessment

Implement ongoing survey assessments throughout the recruitment process, allowing for continuous improvement rather than relying solely on post-hiring surveys.

8. Benchmarking

Compare survey results against industry benchmarks or previous internal data to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement relative to industry standards.

9. Feedback loop closure

Demonstrate responsiveness by closing the feedback loop. Share insights gained from candidate surveys with relevant stakeholders and communicate changes or improvements made as a result of candidate feedback.

10. Data analysis and actionable insights

Analyze survey data systematically to derive actionable insights. Use the information to make informed decisions, implement changes, and continually enhance the overall candidate experience.

How to approach a candidate experience surveys template?

Employee is sitting next to a huge question mark
How to approach a candidate experience surveys template?

Designing an effective candidate experience survey template involves a strategic approach to ensure comprehensive feedback while respecting candidates' time.

Begin by crafting a clear introduction that explains the survey's purpose, emphasizing the organization's commitment to continuous improvement based on candidate input.

  • Structure the survey with a mix of closed-ended and open-ended questions. Closed-ended questions, often presented in a rating scale format, provide quantitative data for quick analysis. These can cover specific aspects like the application process, communication effectiveness, and interview experience.
  • Consider the candidate's journey when structuring the template. Begin with questions related to the application process, progressively moving towards inquiries about interview interactions and, if applicable, onboarding experiences with the hiring manager. This chronological approach helps candidates reflect on each stage, providing more accurate and organized feedback.
  • Ensure that the language used in the survey is clear, avoiding ambiguity or technical jargon that might confuse respondents. Implement a mix of positively and negatively framed questions to capture a balanced view of the candidate experience.
  • Offer flexibility in response options, allowing candidates to elaborate on their experiences or provide additional context. Include an option for anonymous feedback to encourage candid responses, fostering a sense of trust in the survey process.
  • Pilot the recruitment experience survey with a small group of individuals to identify any potential issues with clarity, length, or question relevance. Incorporate feedback from this pilot phase to refine and finalize the candidate experience survey template.
  • After survey deployment, analyze the results systematically, looking for patterns and trends. Prioritize actionable insights and areas for improvement. Share the findings with key stakeholders, such as recruiters and hiring managers, and demonstrate a commitment to closing the feedback loop by implementing changes based on the feedback received.
  • Periodically review and update the candidate experience survey results template to ensure its relevance to the evolving recruitment landscape and changing candidate expectations. A thoughtful and well-structured candidate experience survey template not only gathers valuable insights but also demonstrates an organization's commitment to candidate-centric practices, contributing to a positive employer brand.

33 Best candidate experience survey questions to ask your applicants in 2024

Employees are standing next to a huge question mark
33 Best candidate experience survey questions to ask your applicants in 2024

Here are the top candidate experience survey questions you ask your job applicants in 2024.

Application process questions

  1. How would you rate the clarity and user-friendliness of the online application form?
  2. Did you encounter any challenges or difficulties during the application process? If yes, please specify.
  3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well did the job description align with the actual responsibilities of the position?
  4. Were the application instructions clear regarding required documents, such as resumes and cover letters?
  5. How satisfied are you with the timeliness of communication regarding the status of your application?
  6. Did you find the application process inclusive and accessible to all candidates?
  7. Were there any technical issues or glitches you experienced while submitting your application?
  8. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the application process to a friend or colleague?
  9. Did you receive confirmation of your application submission in a timely manner?
  10. Were the expectations regarding follow-up steps after the application submission clearly communicated?
  11. Did you find the application process personalized, taking into account your unique skills and experiences?

Interview process questions

  1. How well did the interview format align with your expectations and the information provided beforehand?
  2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the professionalism and courtesy of the interviewers?
  3. Were you provided with sufficient information about the company culture and values during the interview process?
  4. Did the interviewers ask questions that accurately assessed your skills and qualifications for the position?
  5. How would you rate the overall communication regarding interview scheduling and logistics?
  6. Did the interview process allow you to showcase your strengths and abilities effectively?
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did the interviewers address your questions and concerns?
  8. Were you given a clear understanding of the next steps in the hiring process during the interview?
  9. How comfortable did you feel during the interview, and were accommodations provided if needed?
  10. Were there any aspects of the interview process that you believe could be improved?
  11. Were you given the opportunity to interact with potential future colleagues or team members during the interview process?

Hiring process questions

  1. How satisfied are you with the transparency and communication throughout the entire hiring process?
  2. Were you provided with a clear timeline for the various stages of the hiring process?
  3. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well did the organization convey its values and mission during the hiring process?
  4. Did the organization demonstrate flexibility and understanding regarding any unique circumstances you may have had?
  5. How would you rate the efficiency of the background check and reference verification process?
  6. Were you given a comprehensive overview of the benefits and compensation package during the hiring process?
  7. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well did the organization address your expectations regarding the job role?
  8. Were you satisfied with the onboarding process, including orientation and training programs?
  9. Did the organization provide adequate information about its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion during the hiring process?
  10. How likely are you to recommend the organization as an employer based on your overall hiring experience?
  11. How would you rate the responsiveness of the HR or recruitment team in addressing your questions or concerns throughout the hiring process?


In crafting a comprehensive candidate experience survey, organizations can gather invaluable insights to refine and enhance their recruitment processes. By strategically structuring questions related to the application, interview, and hiring phases, companies can glean both quantitative data and qualitative feedback.

This thoughtful approach fosters transparency, demonstrating a commitment to understanding and improving the candidate's journey. Regularly updating and adapting the survey template ensures its relevance to evolving expectations.

Leveraging these insights not only aids in attracting top talent but also contributes to building a positive employer brand, reinforcing an organization's dedication to a candidate-centric approach in the ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition.



Santhosh is a Jr. Product Marketer with 2+ years of experience. He loves to travel solo (though he doesn’t label them as vacations, they are) to explore, meet people, and learn new stories.