How managers becoming the culture champions can improve employee retention?

Kailash Ganesh
11 min read
How managers becoming the culture champions can improve employee retention?
How managers becoming the culture champions can improve employee retention?

Employee retention has become a top concern for businesses of all sizes. While traditional perks and benefits can be helpful, they often fall short of addressing the deeper need employees have for a positive and engaging work environment.

This is where managers step in, playing a crucial role as culture champions who can cultivate a thriving company culture and significantly impact employee retention.

But what exactly does it mean for a manager to be a culture champion? It's about going beyond simply overseeing tasks and deadlines. It's about becoming an advocate for employee well-being, fostering open communication, and actively shaping a positive work atmosphere.

By embodying the company's values and leading by example, managers can create a sense of belonging, purpose, and growth that motivates employees to stay invested. In this blog, we'll delve deeper into the specific actions managers can take to become the most effective culture champions around.

What is a culture champion at work?

Employees are hi-fying each other
What is a culture champion at work?

A culture champion at work is typically an employee who actively promotes and embodies the values, mission, and desired behaviors of their organization's culture. They are passionate about fostering a positive work environment and are dedicated to upholding the company's core principles.

Culture champions often lead by example, demonstrating integrity, inclusivity, collaboration, and other cultural attributes that contribute to a thriving workplace.

They may also participate in initiatives related to employee engagement, diversity and inclusion, successful organizational change itself, and team building. Essentially, they play a crucial role in shaping and sustaining a healthy and vibrant organizational culture.

What is the purpose of a culture champion?

Managers connecting employees in a shape of puzzle
What is the purpose of a culture champion?

The purpose of a culture champion is to help shape, reinforce, and sustain a positive and productive organizational culture within a company. Here are some key purposes of having culture champions in the workplace:

  • Cultural alignment: Culture champions work to ensure that employees work on their own behavior and align with the company's values, mission, and goals. They help create a shared understanding of the desired workplace culture and encourage behaviors that support it.
  • Employee engagement: Culture champions play a vital role in promoting employee engagement by fostering a sense of belonging, purpose, and pride in the organization. They contribute to creating a work environment where employees feel motivated and connected to the company's mission.
  • Leadership by example: Culture champions lead by example, demonstrating the behaviors and attitudes that reflect the desired culture. Their actions inspire others to emulate these behaviors, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the organization.
  • Communication and feedback: Culture champions often act as communicators and facilitators, ensuring that employees are informed about cultural initiatives, changes, and expectations. They also encourage open communication and provide constructive feedback to help maintain a healthy culture.
  • Conflict resolution: In the event of conflicts or challenges related to organizational culture, culture champions can help mediate and find solutions that align with the company's values. They play a role in resolving issues and promoting a harmonious workplace.
  • Inclusivity and diversity: Culture champions are often involved in initiatives related to diversity and inclusion. They work towards creating a workplace that embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion, fostering a culture where everyone feels respected and valued.

What are the key attributes of a culture champion?

Leader holding a big size bulb
What are the key attributes of a culture champion?

Culture champions possess certain key attributes that enable them to effectively promote and embody the desired organizational culture. These attributes include:

  • Passion for the organization: Culture champions have a genuine passion for the company and its mission. Their enthusiasm is contagious, inspiring others to feel a sense of purpose and commitment to the organization's goals.
  • Strong values alignment: They align closely with the values and principles of the organization. This alignment is crucial for them to authentically embody and promote the desired cultural traits.
  • Effective communication skills: Good communication is essential for culture champions. They can articulate the company's values, mission, and cultural expectations clearly, fostering understanding and buy-in among employees.
  • Empathy and emotional intelligence: Culture champions possess empathy and emotional intelligence, understanding the needs and perspectives of their colleagues. This enables them to connect with others, build trust, and navigate interpersonal dynamics effectively.
  • Adaptability and flexibility: Organizational cultures may evolve over time, and culture champions need to adapt to changes while maintaining the core values. Being flexible and open to new ideas allows them to navigate shifts in culture successfully.
  • Collaborative spirit: Culture champions promote a sense of collaboration and teamwork. They encourage inclusive practices and work towards creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included.
  • Problem-solving skills: Challenges may arise in maintaining and shaping a positive culture. Culture champions possess problem-solving skills to address issues, resolve conflicts, and find solutions that align with the organization's values.

Impact of managers in a team if they become culture champions

Employees are cheering in the workplace
Impact of managers in a team if they become culture champions

When managers assume the role of culture champions within a team, their impact is profound and far-reaching. By embodying and promoting the organization's values and cultural expectations, they set a powerful example for their team members.

This leadership by example fosters a cohesive and positive work environment, instilling a shared sense of purpose and commitment.

Managers as culture champions influence the team's dynamics, promoting collaboration, open communication, and a collective focus on common goals. Their passion for the organization's mission becomes contagious, inspiring team members to align with the values and contribute to the overall success of the company.

Effective communication skills are crucial for managers in this role, as they articulate the significance of the organizational culture and ensure a clear understanding among team members. It also helps them develop effective business and talent strategies.

The influence of managers as culture champions extends to talent development, as they actively support the professional growth of their team while reinforcing the cultural attributes that contribute to success.

By prioritizing inclusivity and empathy, these managers create a supportive atmosphere and high-performing culture where individuals feel valued and motivated.

Furthermore, managers who champion the organizational culture contribute to increased employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. This, in turn, positively impacts productivity and retention rates.

Ultimately, the impact of managers as culture champions is transformative, shaping a team that not only achieves its objectives but also thrives in a positive and values-driven work environment.

Why should leaders turn their managers to become culture champions?

Leaders are standing with their managers
Why should leaders turn their managers to become culture champions?

Leaders should actively encourage and empower their managers to become culture champions due to the significant impact it can have on the overall success and well-being of the organization.

When managers embrace the role of culture champions, they serve as key conduits for translating the company's values and vision into everyday actions within their teams.

Firstly, managers as culture champions create a consistent and aligned organizational culture throughout various departments. This consistency fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose among employees, promoting a cohesive and harmonious work environment. It helps establish a strong connection between the organization's overarching goals and the various activities on a day-to-day basis for each team.

Secondly, managers play a crucial role in influencing team dynamics. By championing the organizational culture, they set the tone for collaboration, and communication, and foster mutual respect within their teams. This positively impacts team morale, productivity, and the ability to navigate challenges effectively.

Turning managers into culture champions also has a ripple effect on employee engagement. When managers lead by example and actively promote the company's values, employees are more likely to feel a sense of pride and commitment to their work. This, in turn, contributes to increased job satisfaction, retention rates, and overall employee well-being.

What is a culture champion program?

Managers are planning their next big thing
What is a culture champion program?

A culture champion program is a structured initiative within an organization designed to identify, nurture, and leverage individuals who actively promote and embody the desired organizational culture.

This program recognizes the importance of having employees who are passionate about the company's values and mission and are willing to play a proactive role in fostering a positive workplace culture.

Typically, a culture champion program involves the identification or nomination of employees who exemplify the desired cultural attributes. These individuals may include managers, team leaders, or employees at various levels who consistently demonstrate a strong alignment with the organization's values and actively contribute to creating a positive work environment.

Once identified, culture champions often undergo training or orientation to deepen their understanding of the organization's culture, values, and expectations. They may also receive resources and support to enhance their leadership and communication skills.

The program aims to equip these cultural champions with the tools and knowledge needed to effectively influence their peers and teams positively.

Culture champions then play a pivotal role in driving cultural initiatives, communicating the importance of the organizational culture, and leading by example. They may be involved in organizing events, facilitating discussions, and promoting behaviors that align with the company's values.

Ultimately, the program aims to cultivate a cultural mindset that permeates throughout the organization, contributing to employee engagement, organizational resilience, and long-term success.

Overcoming challenges in creating a culture champion as a leader

Managers making sure that the ideas are getting conveyed clearly
Overcoming challenges in creating a culture champion as a leader

Creating culture champions within an organization is a valuable but challenging endeavor for leaders. Several obstacles may arise, and overcoming these challenges is crucial for the successful development of the best culture champions ever:

  • Resistance to change: Employees may resist adopting new cultural practices, especially if they perceive them as a departure from established norms. Leaders must address this resistance by clearly communicating the reasons for the cultural shift and emphasizing the positive impact on the workplace.
  • Lack of understanding: Some employees may not fully understand the organization's values or how they translate into day-to-day behaviors. Leaders must invest in effective communication and education to ensure that employees grasp the significance of the culture and the role they play in shaping it.
  • Insufficient leadership support: Without strong support from top leadership, the culture champion initiative may struggle to gain traction. Leaders need to visibly champion cultural transformation, demonstrating their commitment and actively participating in related initiatives.
  • Limited resources: Adequate resources, including time and budget, are essential for training and developing culture champions. Leaders should allocate resources strategically to ensure that champions receive the necessary tools and support for success.
  • Mismatched incentives: Employees may be hesitant to embrace the role of a culture champion if there are no clear incentives or recognition for their efforts. Leaders should establish a system of rewards and recognition to motivate and acknowledge those who actively contribute to the cultural transformation.
  • Inconsistent communication: Leaders must maintain consistent and transparent communication about cultural expectations. Any ambiguity or inconsistency in messaging can lead to confusion and hinder the development of a shared cultural mindset.
  • Cultural diversity challenges: In organizations with diverse cultures or global teams, adapting a uniform culture can be complex. Leaders must recognize and respect cultural differences while fostering a shared set of values that unites employees across various backgrounds.

7 Top strategies to create and sustain managers as a culture champion at your organization

Managers are having a discussion about their next target
Top strategies to create and sustain managers as a culture champion at your organization

Creating and sustaining managers as culture change champions is crucial for fostering a positive and aligned organizational culture. Here are seven top strategies to achieve this:

  1. Leadership alignment and support: Ensure that top leadership is fully aligned with and supportive of the cultural initiatives. Leaders should actively demonstrate the desired behaviors, emphasizing the importance of the organizational culture. This alignment provides a strong foundation for managers to embrace their role as effective culture champions consistently.
  2. Clear communication of cultural expectations: Clearly communicate the organization's values, mission, and cultural expectations to managers. Provide detailed guidelines on how these values should manifest in day-to-day behaviors. Transparent communication fosters a shared understanding of the cultural vision, enabling managers to effectively champion it.
  3. Invest in training and development: Implement training programs to equip managers with the skills and knowledge needed to champion the organizational culture. This includes communication skills, conflict resolution, and leadership techniques that align with the corporate culture. Regular workshops and development opportunities keep managers well-prepared for their role.
  4. Recognition and incentives: Establish a system for recognizing and rewarding managers who actively contribute to promoting the organizational culture. Recognition can be through formal awards, public acknowledgment, or other incentives that reinforce the value of engaged employees and their efforts. Positive reinforcement encourages sustained commitment.
  5. Incorporate culture in performance metrics: Integrate cultural alignment into performance metrics and evaluations. Managers should be assessed not only on their operational achievements but also on their ability to act with integrity and to foster a positive work culture. This reinforces the idea that cultural leadership is a fundamental aspect of managerial success.
  6. Peer support and collaboration: Encourage peer support and collaboration among managers. Establish forums for them to share successes, challenges, and best practices related to championing the organizational culture. Creating a supportive community reinforces the importance of the company's culture and champion role and allows for collective problem-solving.
  7. Continuous feedback and improvement: Establish a feedback loop where managers receive continuous input on their cultural leadership efforts. Regular feedback sessions provide opportunities for reflection and improvement. This iterative process ensures that managers can adapt to evolving organizational needs while staying committed to the cultural vision.

The link between manager effectiveness and employee retention is profound, directly impacting an organization's ability to retain top talent. Effective managers play a pivotal role in creating a positive work environment, fostering open communication, and providing meaningful opportunities for professional growth.

When employees experience strong leadership characterized by mentorship, support, and clear communication from their managers, they are more likely to feel engaged and satisfied in their roles.

This positive relationship with managers significantly contributes to overall job satisfaction, reducing the likelihood of turnover.

On the contrary, ineffective or unsupportive management can lead to dissatisfaction, disengagement, and a higher propensity for employees to seek alternative employment opportunities.

Therefore, investing in managerial effectiveness is not only crucial for organizational success but also serves as a key strategy for retaining valuable talent and maintaining a stable, motivated workforce.

Significance of team engagement tools in ensuring manager effectiveness in employee experience

EMployees are hi-fying each other in the workplace

Team engagement tools play a significant role in ensuring manager effectiveness and enhancing the overall employee experience within an organization. These tools serve as facilitators for improved communication, collaboration, and productivity, fostering a positive work environment under effective management.

Firstly, team engagement tools provide managers with platforms to efficiently communicate organizational goals, expectations, and updates. This ensures that employees have a clear understanding of their roles, fostering a sense of purpose in the same direction.

Additionally, these tools facilitate transparent and open communication channels, enabling managers to address concerns, provide feedback, and recognize achievements, thereby strengthening the manager-employee relationship.

Such tools also contribute to the creation of a collaborative work culture. Managers can leverage features like virtual meetings, project management tools, and collaborative platforms to encourage teamwork and shared initiatives.

This collaborative environment not only enhances productivity but also promotes a sense of belonging and mutual support among team members.

Furthermore, engagement tools often include features for performance tracking and feedback mechanisms. This allows managers to assess individual and team progress, provide timely feedback, and recognize achievements.

Such functionalities contribute to a positive employee experience by offering a clear pathway for professional growth and development.


Fostering a positive organizational culture and ensuring effective managerial practices are integral elements of creating a workplace where employees thrive. The role of culture champions, particularly among managers, is pivotal in shaping and sustaining this positive culture.

By embodying organizational values, fostering open communication, and leveraging team engagement tools, managers contribute to an enriched employee experience. The link between managerial effectiveness and employee retention underscores the importance of investing in leadership development.

Organizations that prioritize the cultivation of culture champions, supported by effective tools and communication strategies, are better positioned to not only retain top talent but also to create an environment where employees are motivated, engaged, and empowered to contribute their best to the collective success of the company.

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash Ganesh

Kailash is a Product Marketer with 5+ years of experience. He loves story-telling in the simplest way possible and he is an avid reader, movie buff, and likes to travel new places to meet new people.