50+ Remote team building activities to try at your workplace in 2024

16 min read
Three employees connecting through a virtual meeting
50+ remote team building activities to try at your workplace in 2024

As you have probably noticed, the remote work revolution is here to stay. While it offers flexibility and a better work-life balance, it can also lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of connection among team members. That's where remote team-building activities come in!

Engaging remote workers in fun and interactive activities can bridge the physical gap, boost morale, and strengthen communication and collaboration skills within your remote workforce. This blog post dives into over 50 creative ideas to keep your remote team connected and thriving in 2024! Let's dive in.

What are remote team building activities?

Employees on a video call
What are remote team building activities?

Remote team building activities are structured tasks or exercises designed to foster collaboration, communication, and camaraderie among remote team members. With the rise of remote work and virtual teams, these activities have become essential in maintaining a strong team dynamic, even when team members are scattered across different locations.

These activities can range from simple icebreakers to complex virtual team challenges, and they are often conducted via video calls, conference calls, or specialized video conferencing software like Microsoft Teams or via a Slack channel.

The main goal is to engage remote teams in a fun way, allowing team members to interact, connect, and work together effectively despite the physical distance.

Importance of remote team building activities in this day and age

Employees having fun on a call
Importance of remote team building activities in this day and age

Without the casual conversations, spontaneous brainstorming sessions, and shared moments that come with being in the same physical space, it's easy for employees to feel detached from their colleagues and the broader team.

This lack of connection can impact communication, collaboration, and overall team cohesion.

  • Boosting morale: Keeping remote team members' morale high is crucial. Remote team building activities offer a break from routine, injecting fun and camaraderie into the workday. Whether it's virtual team games, online team building games, or a virtual happy hour, these activities help combat isolation and foster a sense of belonging, contributing to a happier and more motivated remote team.
  • Fostering collaboration: Collaboration is key to a remote team's success. Remote team building activities create opportunities for team members to work together in a virtual setting. From solving virtual team challenges to participating in virtual escape rooms or workshops, these next team meeting and activities encourage creative thinking and effective communication, strengthening bonds among team members and improving overall team collaboration.
  • Enhancing engagement: In a remote work environment, maintaining high levels of employee engagement can be challenging. Remote team building activities provide avenues for team members to connect with colleagues, participate in company culture, and feel valued. This engagement not only boosts morale but also contributes to higher levels of job satisfaction and retention among remote team members.
  • Attracting top talent: As companies compete for top talent, offering engaging remote team building activities can make a significant difference. A robust remote team building program demonstrates a company's commitment to its employees' well-being and fosters a supportive work environment. This can make the company more attractive to prospective hires, helping to attract and retain the best talent in the industry.
  • Promoting problem-solving skills: Engaging in remote team building activities, such as virtual team challenges or virtual escape rooms, can enhance team members' problem-solving skills. These activities require teams to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions, leading to the development of valuable skills that can be applied to real-world work scenarios.
  • Strengthening company culture: Remote team building activities play a vital role in strengthening a company's culture. By participating in these activities, remote team members can connect with the company's values and mission, fostering a sense of belonging and unity. This alignment with company culture contributes to a more cohesive and unified remote team.

13 Benefits of virtual team building activities

Employees having a virtual activity
13 benefits of virtual team building activities

Virtual team building activities have emerged as essential tools for fostering connectivity, collaboration, and camaraderie among remote team members. These activities not only inject fun and excitement into the workday but also offer a plethora of benefits that contribute to a stronger, more cohesive remote team.

Let's delve into the 13 key benefits of incorporating virtual team building activities into your remote work strategy.

  1. Enhancing adaptability: Virtual team building activities often require teams to adapt to new situations or tools. Whether it's navigating a virtual escape room or collaborating on an online game, team members develop adaptability skills that can be valuable in an ever-changing work environment.
  2. Promoting cultural awareness: Virtual team building activities can expose team members to different cultures and perspectives. Engaging in activities that celebrate diversity and inclusion helps build cultural awareness and fosters a more inclusive team environment.
  3. Boosting creativity: Creative virtual activities, such as brainstorming sessions or virtual workshops, can stimulate team members' creativity. By encouraging innovative thinking and experimentation, these activities contribute to a culture of creativity within the team.
  4. Developing leadership skills: Some virtual team building activities involve leadership roles or challenges. Participating in these activities gives team members the opportunity to develop and showcase their leadership skills, enhancing their professional growth.
  5. Improving time management: Virtual team building activities often have time constraints or deadlines. By managing their time effectively to complete tasks or challenges, team members can improve their time management skills, which are crucial for productivity and efficiency.
  6. Strengthening problem-solving abilities: Many virtual team building activities involve problem-solving tasks or puzzles. By working together to find solutions, team members hone their problem-solving abilities, which are essential for overcoming challenges in the workplace.
  7. Increasing motivation: Fun and engaging virtual team building activities can boost team members' motivation. When team members look forward to participating in activities, they are more likely to feel motivated and enthusiastic about their work.
  8. Enhancing remote work skills: Virtual team building activities can help team members develop skills specific to remote work, such as effective communication in virtual meetings or using collaboration tools efficiently. These skills are essential for success in a remote work environment.
  9. Facilitating networking: Virtual team building activities create opportunities for team members to network and build relationships. By interacting with colleagues from different departments or locations, team members can expand their professional networks and forge valuable connections.
  10. Encouraging continuous learning: Participating in virtual team building activities can spark curiosity and a desire for learning. Whether it's learning a new game or solving a challenging puzzle, these activities encourage team members to embrace continuous learning and personal growth.
  11. Improving emotional intelligence: Virtual team building activities that involve empathy or understanding team members' emotions can help improve emotional intelligence. By recognizing and empathizing with colleagues' feelings and perspectives, team members can enhance their emotional intelligence skills.
  12. Increasing team resilience: Facing challenges or setbacks in virtual team building activities can help build team resilience. By learning to persevere and overcome obstacles together, team members develop a strong sense of resilience that can be applied to work-related challenges.
  13. Boosting employee satisfaction: Engaging in virtual team building activities that promote fun and connection can lead to higher levels of employee satisfaction. When team members feel valued, connected, and engaged, they are more likely to be satisfied with their job and the company.

Top 7 challenges in organizing remote team building activities

Employee reading a book while on a break
Top 7 challenges in organizing remote team building activities

Organizing remote team building activities can be a rewarding yet complex endeavor. While these activities are crucial for fostering connection and boosting morale among remote teams, they also come with their unique set of challenges. Here are the top 7 challenges you might encounter and how to address them:

  1. Engaging remote team members: Engaging remote team members effectively is a primary challenge in organizing remote team building activities. With team members spread across different locations and often working independently, finding activities that everyone can participate in and genuinely enjoy is challenging.
  2. Scheduling across time zones: Remote teams often operate across different time zones, making scheduling a significant challenge. Finding a suitable time for virtual meetings or activities that accommodates everyone's schedule can be tricky and requires careful planning.
  3. Technology issues: Remote team building activities rely heavily on technology, which means that technical issues can arise unexpectedly. Whether it's problems with video conferencing software, internet connectivity issues, or compatibility issues with different devices, technical difficulties can disrupt the flow of activities and frustrate team members.
  4. Maintaining team morale and engagement: Maintaining high team morale and engagement during remote team building activities is essential but can be challenging. Without the benefit of face-to-face interactions, it's important to find creative ways to boost team spirit, encourage participation, and foster a sense of connection among team members.
  5. Adapting to virtual format: Transitioning traditional team building activities to a virtual format requires adaptation, creativity, and innovation. Some activities that work well in person may not translate effectively to a virtual setting. It's essential to find virtual alternatives that are engaging, interactive, and effective in achieving the desired outcomes.
  6. Choosing appropriate activities: Selecting remote team building activities that cater to the diverse interests, skills, and comfort levels of all team members can be challenging. It's important to consider the unique preferences and needs of your team when choosing activities to ensure that everyone feels included, valued, and motivated to participate.
  7. Fostering team collaboration and communication: Promoting collaboration and communication among remote team members is essential for building trust, enhancing teamwork, and achieving shared goals. However, fostering effective collaboration and communication in a remote setting can be challenging, especially when team members don't have frequent face-to-face interactions.

Remote team activities for small groups

Two employees catching up from the comfort of their homes
Remote team activities for small groups

Organizing activities for small remote teams offers a unique opportunity to foster closer connections, encourage collaboration, and boost team spirit. Here are detailed activities tailored for small groups that can help remote team members engage, interact, and bond effectively:

  1. Virtual coffee breaks:
    Schedule informal virtual coffee breaks where team members can relax, chat about non-work-related topics, and get to know each other better. This casual setting can help build rapport and strengthen team relationships in a relaxed environment.
  2. Book club:
    Start a virtual book club where team members can read and discuss books related to personal development, industry trends, or any other topic of interest. This activity encourages learning, stimulates conversation, and fosters a shared interest among team members.
  3. Skill-sharing sessions:
    Encourage team members to share their expertise or hobbies with each other through virtual skill-sharing sessions. This can be a great way to learn new skills, exchange knowledge, and appreciate each other's talents.
  4. Virtual escape rooms:
    Organize virtual escape room challenges where team members work together to solve puzzles, uncover clues, and escape within a set time. This activity promotes teamwork, problem-solving skills, and collaboration in a fun and engaging way.
  5. Themed trivia nights:
    Host themed trivia nights where team members can test their knowledge on various topics, such as pop culture, history, or company trivia. This activity encourages friendly competition, teamwork, and a bit of friendly rivalry among team members.
  6. Online cooking class:
    Arrange an online cooking class where team members can learn to cook a new recipe together. This activity promotes creativity, teamwork, and provides an opportunity for team members to bond over shared culinary experiences.
  7. Virtual art jamming:
    Organize a virtual art jamming session where team members can express their creativity through art. This activity encourages self-expression, relaxation, and fosters a sense of camaraderie as team members share their artwork with each other.
  8. Mystery box challenge:
    Send each team member a mystery box filled with random items and challenge them to come up with a creative project using only the items in their box. This activity promotes creativity, problem-solving skills, and encourages team members to think outside the box.
  9. Photo sharing activity:
    Encourage team members to share photos of their daily lives, hobbies, or travels with each other. This activity provides insight into each other's lives, sparks conversations, and helps team members get to know each other on a more personal level.
  10. Virtual dance party:
    Organize a virtual dance party where team members can let loose, have fun, and dance to their favorite tunes together. This activity promotes positivity, boosts energy levels, and fosters a sense of joy and connection among team members.
  11. DIY craft challenge:
    Challenge team members to create a DIY craft using household items and share their creations with each other. This activity promotes creativity, encourages resourcefulness, and provides an opportunity for team members to showcase their artistic talents.
  12. Mindfulness and meditation session:
    Arrange a virtual mindfulness and meditation session where team members can relax, unwind, and focus on their well-being together. This activity promotes mental wellness, stress relief, and encourages team members to support each other's well-being.
  13. Remote team bingo:
    Create a custom bingo card filled with fun facts, hobbies, or experiences related to team members and play virtual bingo together. This activity encourages interaction, conversation, and fosters a sense of fun and camaraderie among team members.
  14. Virtual show and tell:
    Organize a virtual show and tell session where team members can share an item that holds special meaning to them and tell the story behind it. This activity encourages personal connections, storytelling, and provides insight into each other's lives.
  15. Online board games:
    Play online board games or multiplayer games together as a team. Whether it's classic board games like Monopoly or strategic games like Among Us, this activity promotes friendly competition, teamwork, and a bit of fun rivalry among team members.
  16. DIY home tour:
    Encourage team members to give a virtual tour of their homes, showcasing their favorite spots, decorations, or personal collections. This activity provides insight into each other's lives, sparks conversations, and helps team members get to know each other on a more personal level.
  17. Virtual workout session:
    Arrange a virtual workout session where team members can exercise together, whether it's yoga, pilates, or a simple stretching routine. This activity promotes physical wellness, boosts energy levels, and encourages team members to support each other's fitness goals.
  18. Recipe swap:
    Organize a recipe swap where team members can share their favorite recipes and cooking tips with each other. This activity promotes culinary creativity, encourages healthy eating, and provides an opportunity for team members to bond over shared culinary experiences.
  19. Online puzzle challenge:
    Challenge team members to complete an online puzzle or jigsaw puzzle together. This activity promotes problem-solving skills, encourages teamwork, and provides a sense of accomplishment when completed together.
  20. Virtual talent show:
    Host a virtual talent show where team members can showcase their talents, whether it's singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, or performing magic tricks. This activity encourages self-expression, appreciation of each other's talents, and fosters a supportive and encouraging team environment.
  21. Language exchange:
    Encourage team members to participate in a virtual language exchange where they can learn and practice a new language together. This activity promotes cultural exchange, language learning, and provides an opportunity for team members to connect over shared interests.
  22. Storytelling circle:
    Organize a virtual storytelling circle where team members can share personal stories, experiences, or anecdotes with each other. This activity encourages storytelling, listening skills, and provides an opportunity for team members to learn from each other's experiences and perspectives.
  23. Virtual scavenger hunt:
    Plan a virtual scavenger hunt where team members search for specific items or complete tasks within their homes or online. This activity promotes creativity, problem-solving skills, and encourages team members to work together to complete the scavenger hunt challenges.
  24. Crafting workshop:
    Arrange a virtual crafting workshop where team members can create DIY crafts together, whether it's making greeting cards, jewelry, or home decor. This activity promotes creativity, provides a creative outlet, and encourages team members to share their crafting skills and ideas with each other.
  25. Virtual museum or gallery tour:
    Organize a virtual tour of a museum or art gallery where team members can explore exhibits, learn about art history, and discuss their favorite artworks together. This activity promotes cultural appreciation, learning, and provides an opportunity for team members to share their interests and insights.
  26. Personal development workshop:
    Host a virtual personal development workshop where team members can learn new skills, such as time management, communication skills, or mindfulness techniques. This activity encourages continuous learning, personal growth, and provides practical tools and strategies that team members can apply to their professional and personal lives.

Remote team building activities for large groups

Employees on a virtual Christmas celebration
Remote team building activities for large groups
  1. Group charades:
    Play a game of charades where participants act out phrases or words while the rest of the group guesses. This activity promotes teamwork, creativity, and laughter among team members.
  2. Virtual bingo:
    Organize a game of virtual bingo with custom cards featuring fun facts or experiences related to team members. This activity encourages interaction and friendly competition among a large group.
  3. Polling activities:
    Conduct live polls or surveys on various topics and discuss the results as a group. This activity encourages participation and provides insights into team members' opinions and preferences.
  4. Large-scale trivia:
    Host a trivia game with questions on a big screen where everyone can participate simultaneously. This activity promotes teamwork, knowledge sharing, and friendly competition.
  5. Interactive workshops:
    Invite guest speakers or experts to conduct interactive workshops on topics like leadership, innovation, or industry trends. This activity encourages learning and professional development within the group.
  6. Virtual escape room tournament:
    Divide participants into teams and compete in a virtual escape room tournament. This activity promotes teamwork, problem-solving, and collaboration in a competitive setting.
  7. Group karaoke:
    Host a virtual karaoke session where participants can sing along to their favorite songs. This activity promotes fun, creativity, and fosters a sense of community among team members.
  8. Digital art collaboration:
    Use collaborative drawing tools to create a digital art piece together as a group. This activity promotes creativity, teamwork, and provides a lasting memento of the team building session.
  9. Virtual talent show extravaganza:
    Extend the virtual talent show idea to a larger group, allowing more team members to showcase their talents. This activity encourages self-expression and appreciation of each other's skills.
  10. Large group discussions:
    Organize moderated discussions on various topics of interest to the team. This activity promotes communication, exchange of ideas, and deeper understanding among team members.
  11. Interactive storytelling:
    Collaboratively write a story with each participant adding a sentence or paragraph. This activity promotes creativity, teamwork, and storytelling skills.
  12. Online multiplayer games:
    Play online multiplayer games that support large groups, such as Among Us or Jackbox Games. This activity promotes friendly competition, teamwork, and interactive fun.
  13. Group meditation session:
    Arrange a guided group meditation session focused on relaxation and mindfulness. This activity promotes mental wellness and encourages team members to support each other's well-being.
  14. Virtual variety show:
    Host a virtual variety show where participants can perform skits, magic tricks, or other entertaining acts. This activity encourages creativity, laughter, and a sense of community.
  15. Photo challenge:
    Organize a group photo challenge where participants share photos based on specific themes or prompts. This activity promotes creativity and provides insight into team members' perspectives.
  16. Collaborative playlist creation:
    Create a collaborative playlist where team members can add their favorite songs. This activity promotes music appreciation and provides a fun way to learn about each other's musical tastes.
  17. Virtual costume party:
    Host a virtual costume party where participants dress up according to a theme and show off their costumes. This activity promotes creativity, fun, and fosters a sense of community.
  18. Group fitness challenge:
    Organize a group fitness challenge with activities like a step challenge or virtual yoga class. This activity promotes physical wellness and encourages team members to support each other's fitness goals.
  19. DIY science experiments:
    Conduct simple science experiments together virtually, with participants following along at home. This activity promotes curiosity, learning, and engagement.
  20. Virtual cooking competition:
    Host a virtual cooking competition where participants cook a dish within a set time and present their creations. This activity promotes culinary creativity, teamwork, and provides a fun way to bond over food.
  21. Online auction or raffle:
    Organize an online auction or raffle with prizes donated by team members or the company. This activity promotes excitement, interaction, and can raise funds for a charitable cause.
  22. Group puzzle challenge:
    Work together to complete a large jigsaw puzzle virtually. This activity promotes teamwork, problem-solving skills, and encourages collaboration.
  23. Virtual networking event:
    Host a virtual networking event where team members can connect with colleagues from different departments or locations. This activity promotes professional networking and relationship-building.
  24. Music trivia night:
    Host a music trivia night where participants guess songs, artists, or lyrics. This activity promotes music appreciation, teamwork, and friendly competition.
  25. Interactive art appreciation:
    Explore famous artworks together virtually and discuss their interpretations. This activity promotes cultural appreciation, learning, and provides a platform for sharing opinions.
  26. Virtual team building olympics:
    Organize a series of mini-games or challenges inspired by Olympic events. This activity promotes friendly competition, teamwork, and a sense of achievement among participants.

Significance of an employee engagement platform in managing remote team’s engagement

Employees in co-ordination
Significance of an employee engagement platform in managing remote team’s engagement

An employee engagement platform serves as a centralized hub for various remote team building activities. It offers a structured approach to organizing various virtual team building activity sessions, such as virtual team building games, virtual escape rooms, and online team building games, ensuring that team members can easily participate and engage in these activities regardless of their location.

Enhancing virtual team building efforts: With features tailored for virtual team building, such as virtual team challenges and virtual team building activities, these platforms facilitate meaningful interactions among team members. They provide tools to organize, manage, and track the success of these activities, ensuring that they are effective in fostering team spirit and promoting collaboration among remote team members.

Supporting remote teams with virtual meetings: Employee engagement platforms often integrate with video conferencing software like Microsoft Teams or Slack, enabling seamless virtual meetings and video calls. This integration simplifies the process of a conference call and starting virtual meetings, allowing team members to connect, collaborate, and communicate effectively regardless of their physical location.

Fostering company culture and morale: A robust employee engagement platform helps maintain and strengthen company culture among remote teams. By offering features like online games, virtual trivia, and virtual entertainment, these platforms create opportunities for team members to socialize, have fun, and build relationships, thereby boosting team morale and fostering a positive remote work environment.

Encouraging continuous engagement: With built-in features for activities for remote teams and virtual workshops, employee engagement platforms encourage continuous engagement among team members. These platforms provide a variety of engaging and educational content that caters to different interests and skills, ensuring that team members remain motivated, informed, and connected.

Onboarding and supporting new team members: For new team members, joining a remote team can be challenging. Employee engagement platforms offer features that help onboard new team members effectively, providing them with the necessary information, resources, and support to integrate into the team seamlessly. Features like virtual team building games and virtual icebreakers can also help new team members feel welcome and connected from the start.

Measuring and improving engagement: One of the significant advantages of using an employee engagement platform is the ability to measure engagement levels and gather feedback from team members. Through surveys, polls, and analytics tools, organizations can identify areas of improvement and implement strategies to enhance employee engagement effectively.

Customization and personalization: Employee engagement platforms often allow organizations to customize and personalize the content and activities based on the team's preferences and needs. This customization ensures that the activities and initiatives resonate with the entire team of members, making them more engaging and impactful.

Creating a virtual environment that feels close-knit: Despite the challenges of working remotely, employee engagement platforms play a vital role in creating a virtual environment that feels close-knit and supportive. Through features like virtual team games, friendly competition, and virtual happy hours, these platforms help teams bond, collaborate, and build strong relationships, even when they are miles apart.


Employee engagement platforms serve as the backbone for remote teams, bridging distances and fostering collaboration, creativity, and connection. With the right tools and features, these platforms empower organizations to cultivate a thriving remote culture, ensuring teams stay engaged, motivated, and aligned.

CultureMonkey's employee engagement platform stands out with its comprehensive suite of features designed specifically for remote teams. Its user-friendly interface, customizable surveys, and analytics capabilities make it an invaluable asset for organizations seeking to enhance remote team engagement! Reach out to us today to help build and cultivate a vibrant virtual workplace.



Santhosh is a Jr. Product Marketer with 2+ years of experience. He loves to travel solo (though he doesn’t label them as vacations, they are) to explore, meet people, and learn new stories.