Manager Effectiveness

Kailash Ganesh 13 min read
Members Public

Measuring managerial effectiveness in employee engagement

Uncover the keys to measuring managerial effectiveness in employee engagement! Learn how to use feedback, productivity, and retention data to assess leadership impact. Discover strategies to cultivate strong, engaged teams, and drive organizational success.

Kailash Ganesh 10 min read
Members Public

12 Tips for new managers to succeed

Stepping into a managerial role can be both thrilling and challenging. To navigate the path to success, check out these 12 research-backed tips specifically curated for new managers. From effective communication to fostering employee engagement, these insights will empower you.

Kailash Ganesh 15 min read
Members Public

33 Top one on one questions that are a must-ask in 2023

One-on-one meetings, also known as individual meetings, are dedicated conversations between a manager or team leader and individual team members. They provide a private and focused space for discussing various topics, addressing concerns, giving feedback, and fostering a good working relationship.

Santhosh 9 min read
Members Public

Employee engagement toolkit for the modern people leaders & managers

Make sure you implement the perfect employee engagement toolkit at your workplace to measure employees' overall wellness levels, identify areas of improvement, and generate initiatives to enhance company culture. Check how employee engagement toolkit can be customizable to meet organization's needs

Santhosh 11 min read
Members Public

Employee survey questions to ask about the management in 2023

Discover what your employees really think about your management with our comprehensive employee survey questions! Get valuable feedback on improving your leadership and make informed decisions that create a healthy and productive workplace.

Radhika 7 min read
Members Public

How modern managers can align employee performance with company cultures?

Building the right company culture is central to employee sentiments and leaders that set a very clear and aligned company culture will consistently outperform those who do not as it significantly improves employee engagement & performance. Read this article to learn more.

Soumya Samuel 1 min read
Members Public

10 Must-know statistics about a manager’s role in employee engagement

Still doubtful about the significance of managers in driving employee engagement? Check out this data of top 10 employee engagement states over the years that, time and again, confirm that managers are critical to engaging employees at the workplace.

Soumya Samuel 5 min read
Members Public

How managers can help improve employee engagement in an organization

Improving employee engagement within an organization is a continuous process which particularly requires committed efforts from the managers. Read the blog to gather some ideas on how managers can improve employee engagement within their teams.

Kailash Ganesh 4 min read
Members Public

How managers can get actionable feedback from employees

One of the essential duties of a manager is to conduct fruitful feedback sessions. A regular feedback mechanism helps a company establish a culture of sustainable growth which in turn helps employees grow too.

Kailash Ganesh 2 min read
Members Public

How the shadow of a leader impacts the culture

Leaders do cast a shadow behind them when they walk the talk, they inspire people around them to achieve greatness, and thereby shape the culture of an organization. A good leader always leads his/her team with not merely their words but with their actions.

Kailash Ganesh 2 min read
Members Public

The impact of micromanagement on your team

Micromanaging your team is never a good option. Their efficiency decreases and leads to dependence on their team leader for every task. A leader's priority should be to trust in his team and help them become self-sufficient.